Customer service in the MQL - page 12

Vladimir Pastushak:

Another person has already proved the crime in front of my eyes ))))

Yes you have admitted it yourself.... Posted above ....

I didn't get paid for decompilation, so what next?

Most importantly, I got punished for decompiling - ok, fine. Released from the ban, now what? If they let me out it means I can start all over again, but no, the admins have started to take the proverbial ban off me.

Vladimir Lyopa:

I didn't get any money for decompensation, so what next?

Most importantly, I was punished for decompiling - ok, fine. They let me out of the ban, now what? If released it means you can start all over again, but no admins have begun to remove my prov. use.

And you become an honest user of the MC services. Do not write your own codes, do not drag here junk from younet, which in general is freely available, do not appropriate the works and merits of others, distribute their codes for free ..., etc., etc. ...

You regain your lost trust, and then ask for your rights back, or whatever else you want...

Artyom Trishkin:

And you become an honest user of MK services. You write your own codes, do not drag here junk from the Internet, which in general is freely available, do not appropriate other people's work and merits, distribute their codes for free ..., etc., etc. ...

Regain your lost trust, and then ask for your licence back, or whatever else you want...

What wasn't I honest about? Did I decompile the code? I put it only here, I have no idea what it is, if there is an author I always indicate it in the code base, free codes can be posted by everyone, I have not appropriated anything myself....
Vladimir Lyopa:

Let me try to convey my thoughts to you.

Look, you found a "free" indicator (code) on the Internet and posted it on Kodobase. How do you know it is free?

Maybe it was hacked by someone. Windows gets hacked too, but it doesn't make it free. Besides, you posted the code in the repository of the developer of the same system.

Vladimir Lyopa:
What was I not being fair about? Did I decompile the code? I put it only here, I have no idea what it is, if there is an author I always indicate it in the code base, free codes can all post, I have not appropriated anything to myself....

You're not putting out your own work. And you want to get money for it.

You are not even able to see the decompiled code with your eyes. It means only one thing - you cannot program in mql. But you post the codes as if they are yours.

Now you're supposedly getting paid for it Fair enough.

ZS. And, yes, the author of the code can decide whether to post his codes here or not. AUTHOR. BY YOURSELF.

You know, there was one precedent, I think on the fourth forum, when one of my customers posted the code I was making. Not the whole code, just a part of it. In this part of the code, there was a publicly available function from Igor Kim. But it was reworked by me a bit. But still. So, I asked the one who had posted this code to attribute it to Igor and remove the customer's authorship. (or remove my authorship - I don't remember exactly, it was long ago). I think this is the right thing to do. And what you are doing, I do not think it is right. Maybe I'm not the only one who thinks so, since you're having problems...

Vladimir Lyopa:
What have I been dishonest about? Did I decompile the code? I put it only here, I have no idea what it is, if there is an author I always put it in the code base, free codes can all post, I did not appropriate anything for myself....
And you can prove you didn't decompile ....
Vladimir Lyopa:
Don't you get it? Get away from the clicks, try turning on your brain and reread my post again.
Vladimir Lyopa:

I didn't get paid for decompiling, so what next?

Most importantly, I was punished for decompiling - ok, fine. Released from the ban, now what? If released it means we can start all over again, but no admins began to remove my waiver.

Luopa, how old are you?

If you're under 15, I understand.

If you're older, you're too old to read your bullshit. Learn Russian. It's embarrassing to write like that. At least turn on the spell checker. You're not in kindergarten.

I really don't understand the MC sometimes. This is one of the cases
Roman Shiredchenko:

Luopa, how old are you?

If you're under 15, I understand.

If you're older, I don't want to read your bullshit. Learn Russian. It's embarrassing to write like that. At least turn on the spell checker. You're not in kindergarten.

Another megabrain has arrived.