Market theory - page 195

Yusuf, please explain what the market price is. Because I have noticed that the regular price goes in the direction of the market price.
The regular price is the price that is set now, which has been formed by sellers and buyers. The market price or the market price that is formed as a result of the market taking into account the state of supply and demand and is defined as the ratio of the maximum virtual income of the market to the elasticity of this income to the selling price of the product. I had to introduce the concept of "maximum virtual income (S) from the sale of goods at a negligible price" in the context of this theory of the market in order to calculate the profit of the commercial structure and this estimated profit coincided with the classical way of its definition as the difference between the actual income (not virtual, here, please do not confuse these two types of income) and all types of costs. Let's say you sell bananas at $1 a kilo and make, say, $1,000 of income per day of trading. Under market conditions, if you sell at a cheaper price, the income will increase (we're not talking about profit yet). As the selling price decreases, income will increase and will, in the limit, tend to the value of Dvirt.max. Under the elasticity (Y) understand how much (in dollars) will decrease income when the selling price increases by 1 dollar, and, under market conditions, it always turns out Y<0. The market price P is the ratio of these two calculated values P = - S/Y.
EURUSD is a dangerouspair to buy. There are no accurate signals.
Alexander Ivanov:
EURUSD is a dangerous pair to buy. There are no accurate signals.

According to Yusuf's theory there is!

At the moment H1 1. 1100-1.1102 EUR/USD


According to Yusuf's theory there is!

At the moment 1. 1100-1.1102 EUR/USD

and I'm selling again .
Alexander Ivanov:
and I'm selling again.
for nothing
for nothing
For nothing? Why?
Alexander Ivanov:
For nothing? Why?

By kachen! Vira trend!!!!

Looking at EURUSD.

Alexander Ivanov:
and I'm selling again.

You're doing the right thing. The global trend is down. If the price goes any higher, we'll average out.

You're doing the right thing.
Trend up!!!!!!
Trend up!!!!!!
Now sell!!!