Make your first million - page 3

Is this yet another demonstration of your knowledge of the psychology of the elderly? You should rather demonstrate your knowledge of the psychology of adolescent maximalism.
You should not be maximalistic, young man :-D.

10% a day is not such a maximalism!
In forex, for 90% of people, 10% a day is a dream.
With such an approach/interest it's easier to play normal gambling rather than trading/forex
in theme =)
in theme =)
Thank you!!! Really on theme!!! :)
That's hilarious!!!
you've created a serious thread. i'm surfing the net.... what people write there - who was lucky, who was a millionaire, who wanted to become one, is this topic intimate or public...
you've created a serious thread. i'm surfing the net.... and there's a lot of information about who was lucky, who was a millionaire, who wanted to become a millionaire, whether this topic is intimate or public...
and what have you got? )) Are there individuals who have done similar things? Or would I be the discoverer? :-D
And what have you got? )) Are there any individuals who have done such a thing? Or would I be the discoverer? :-D
Either there were very few such people, or they were very non-public) but there are many people who urgently need a million dollars through forex)