FOREX - Trends, forecasts and implications - page 604

I say and see it rising and keep buying until 58.
if we go there, I will have a penny looser, on the contrary - wow, that's a lot))))
If we go there, I will have a penny loss, on the contrary, it will be a big one)))

If you buy from the bottom and pay less attention to all the fuss here, you'd have a big hand.)

If we go there, I would have one, maximum two deals a week and no need to run around the field like Ilya and Uchitel, one is still young and the other is in his infancy)))

If we go there, I will have a penny loss, on the contrary - it will be a big one)))

it might be there.

But it's not a good idea to buy, knowing that the TP is down...

no you didn't (((( (I closed the buy!)
Isn't there anything else you can do? )))

it might be there.

but to buy knowing that the take is down is not a good idea...

Ilya, no need to prove anything, time will tell
Unfortunately, nothing turns me on except the euro ))))
everything else is a variation on the theme... - If the euro goes, so will the rest.
Can't anything else be done? )))
why can you - you can sell - you can just wait ))))

If you had kept buying from the bottom and paid less attention to this fuss).

If you have one or two trades a week for one instrument at the most, you don't have to run around the field like Ilya and Uchitel, one is young and the other is in his infancy)))

And why do the kids win? (I drew predictions, made points ....). (I have no money, alas))
why you can - you can sell - you can just wait ))))
I don't know, I've got a free bull radical on there, so the prog won't come out of purchases )))
Ilya, no need to prove anything, time will show.
Everything is already proved, 100 pips with 0.1 lot from 5550 closed at 5562, the other half in boo at 5632.