Fibonacci pyramids - page 11

What do you mean? I need a savvy programmer, for joint "creativity". Change the master (the winner of the contest), without good reason, to find a new one, I'm not going to. I had one talented, young "hacker" . But due to family circumstances , he can no longer cooperate . Therefore, I am looking for a new one. Profit 50/50%. The contract is worth more than money.

You are not needed to implement the proposed strategy. There is more information in the subject than in some TORs from the job service. They will be able to implement it without you and ... all 100% in the programmer's pocket.

There is a saying: "A fool is courting, but a clever one is learning". Do not be offended, but make the right conclusions.

Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
Как заказать торгового робота на MQL5 и MQL4
  • 2010.06.18
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
С запуском сервиса "Работа" становится идеальным местом для размещения заказов и оказания услуг программирования. Тысячи трейдеров и разработчиков ежедневно посещают этот ресурс и с легкостью могут помочь друг другу. Для трейдера сервис "Работа" - это легкая возможность получить свой собственный эксперт. Для MQL5-разработчика это возможность легко найти новых клиентов. В данной статье мы рассмотрим возможности этого сервиса.

would be a good solution for many.

Краудфандинг на фин. рынке
Краудфандинг на фин. рынке
Так почему бы такое не сделать в сфере алгоритмов анализа рынка?
Then read his advice. After how many bars it's better to stay out of the market.

Grandfather is a role model, not a copy. Aside from my priceless legacy to all traders, "Trading Chaos", I use all my 5 years of experience, knowledge and intuition. And they tell me that a perfect 100% strategy, does not exist in nature.

- The market is chaotic, and that's good for us. B.Williams. He scored 65% of his profitable trades as "perfect." On a losing trade, he considered it as a drop of 35% of planned losing trades.

Old Bill was a big believer in Fibonacci. One day the market kicked him out 6 times, to a stop loss. But the signal persisted, and a seventh trade made him a fortune. It was because he traded 1/10 of a possible lot, entering the market in equal parts, and buying out profitable positions. Only this way one can make a fortune. If you want to be rich, think in dollars, not cents. I totally agree with him. And one more piece of advice from grandpa: Trading should be easy and enjoyable, otherwise it won't work.


No, not yet need for demolition - the topic starter is really started :)

There are a number of questions to him that I asked in his profile and he did not respond ...

@voitehov :

  • Have you tried Metatrader 5? The thing is, this is an MT5 forum and MT4 is a completely different forum.
  • Another question - if you do all this on MT4 , then you probably know ZUP Nen. How do you feel about it and why don't you use it in your pattern trading? He's got version 137 coming up ... (free of charge of course)
  • If on Metatrader 5 - have you used HWAFM? It's free, same as ZUP.
  • Many of your trades are less than 10 pips profit (4 digit pips) - looks like pattern pipsing ... Doesn't it bother you?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and strategy testing

Fibonacci Pyramids

voitehov, 2013.11.22 09:09

I have announced a contest for the best indicator, or Expert Advisor. The prize to the winner - 50% of sales on the Market , and participation in new, no less interesting projects .

I am still testing it manually.

I personally, as a non-programmer, support your idea. But it should (in my opinion sorry) start with a free indicator/advisor (for your branch), shared versions of which should of course be in the marketplace. In this case the users will have a choice - either use the free version (for MT5 sorry, mql5 code), or go to Market and buy a unlocked/improved one (according to the laws of the Market service).

However, I still have not understood how you build pyramids and how they differ from patterns. That is, if a programmer will help you

  • The Expert Advisor should be interesting (in all senses + financial incentive).
  • it should be clear to him.

That is - you have to explain (and don't be ashamed of it).


You are not needed to implement the proposed strategy. There is more information in the subject than in some TORs from the service. They can implement it without you and ... all 100% in the programmer's pocket.

WAT! That's how they are local programmers. Swindlers!

would be a good solution for many.

Краудфандинг на фин. рынке
Краудфандинг на фин. рынке
Так почему бы такое не сделать в сфере алгоритмов анализа рынка?

I remember one case ... it was a few years ago, when English programmers were making real money selling signal copiers (from one MT4 to another) .... I don't remember the difference, but it was several years ago when English coders were making real money selling copies of signals (from one MT4 to another) ... But one of our well-known coder (known here in mql5) made the same, but better and for free.

I have never seen such kind of coders, but they are very disappointed and in crisis. I even received an e-mail with "what he did! How could he do that! This is a business! Anyway, it's the business of the English guys... Just a free code from one famous lawyer (who, I'm sure, increased his orders and had a waiting list for the next year because of the free code).

That's the story.


And there is an option, as suggested by DC2008 - the programmer does everything, sends to the Market - and sits ... waits ... will the fish bite or not ... without feeding (without the author of voitehov' s idea) ...


No, there's no need for a demolition yet - the top starter has really started up :)

There are a number of questions for him that I asked in his profile and he hasn't answered ...

@voitehov :

  • Have you tried Metatrader 5? The thing is, this is an MT5 forum and MT4 is a completely different forum.
  • Another question - if you do it all on MT4 , you probably know ZUP Nen. How do you feel about it and why don't you use it in your pattern trading? He's got version 137 coming up ... (free of charge of course)
  • If on Metatrader 5 - have you used HWAFM? It's free, same as ZUP.
  • Many of your trades are less than 10 pips profit (4 digit pips) - looks like pattern pipsing ... Doesn't that confuse you?

I personally, as a non-programmer, support your idea. But it should (in my opinion excuse me) start with a free indicator/advisor (for your branch), the shared versions of which should of course be in the marketplace. In this case the users will have a choice - either use the free version (for MT5 sorry, mql5 code), or go to Market and buy a unlocked/improved one (according to the laws of the Market service).

However, I still have not understood how you build pyramids and how they differ from patterns. That is, if a programmer will help you

  • The Expert Advisor should be interesting (in all senses + financial incentive).
  • it should be understandable for him.

That is - you have to explain (and don't be ashamed of it).

I'm not shy, details in private, trade secret ... (so that the material incentive, someone does not direct their own direction ...) .

Sorry, I am busy now. In the evening .

Applicants for the team warning: - In programming, I am dummies. Therefore: If it's Metatrader 5 - did you use HWAFM? I will not be the one to ask. The technical side is entirely your responsibility. Mine is creative ideas, optimization, and sales.


I'm helping you ... the personal stuff doesn't count... and I'm not a programmer... If you know how to take an idea from raw to mass commercial, go for it. I was just making a suggestion.

About the mate incentive... know how asctrend indicators were created for MT4? The idea from Ablesys (if I typed them correctly from memory) ... did English and Russian coders ... The idea was developed by English and Russian coders ... In short, it's a long explanation, but the idea can not be concealed. Especially if you've found a coder who you (and only you) will help with the idea.

Personal communication is not necessary here at all.

I can elaborate if needed (if you need it). Coders are all aware of this ...


... I am not familiar with programming. So: If on Metatrader 5 - did you use HWAFM? Don't ask me such questions ...

HWAFM :)) - You know, now you have stumped a lot of people ...