Gentlemen, would you like to feed the lawyers? - page 7


If you are seriously thinking about converting the mobile to a landline phone, you need a KPEH-8b microstabilizer to match the voltage using active resistors, and feed the stabilized voltage to the contacts of the mobile instead of the battery.

If this is a one-time action, just put a resistor between the battery terminals in the mobile, and plug the PSU into the standard socket, if the PSU has enough power to run the mobile.

he says the SIM card is fucked up
He says the SIM card is fucked up.

He says a lot of things, I was answering the question in the quote.

There was a misunderstanding in the question that the resistance should be hung on the contacts of the cell intended for the battery, not on the contacts of the battery.


If you are seriously thinking about converting the mobile to a landline phone, you need a KPEH-8b microstabilizer, and you need to use active resistors to match the voltage, and supply a stabilized voltage to the contacts of the mobile instead of the battery.

If this is a one-time action, just put a resistor between the battery terminals in the mobile, and plug the PSU into the standard socket, if the PSU has enough power to run the mobile.

Yeah, you'd have to put some snot in it to get the electricity flowing, but it'd be cool and up-to-date.

Who needs these mobiles except the schoolboys? I mean, I know a bomber or some pizza guy can take a hundred-dollar order. Homeless people can tell each other they threw something in the trash. Why would a trader do that?

False witness, I'm not confused. I don't know about modern tinkerers, but in Uzbekistan we have Skype. You can call anywhere you want and you don't have to go under the bedside table to get a phone.
"Defendant, you're distorting your statement. If you were referring to the Skype, then obviously the phrase would sound like this.
I have an acquaintance who now works as a lawyer for some firm. I call him on Skype, and explain the situation. He answers,

In Uzbekistan, I do call mobile phones SOTKA, but no one calls Skype a STATIONARY PHONE.

Further, your lawyer says that "He answers that, with all due respect, until he is personally convinced that I am not stealing someone's money on the Internet using his cell phone, he will not accept any SMS".

So you called him on his mobile phone and he didn't have a computer to look into the matter. Later he found out. So you have a tariff for calls from Skype to mobile, but it contradicts all your statements about the need for communications for you in principle.

I'm not talking about tampering with said page. Now the word landline is removed there altogether.


Actually, I'm in this thread with both yours and ours. I support MQ on this particular issue, they have made a technical solution and it satisfies most users.

But Reshetov brought up an interesting topic, "a person without a mobile phone, as it were, falls out of the global context in today's world".

For globalists it is not the mobile phone itself that is important, but the ID identification of a person, and they enforce it through a convenient SMS service and the need to get it in different services.

SZY next step is to sew ID-chip in hand (so that no one would swipe it), then any device will be turned on only when it is used by owner, including computer, and by that time we can control whether you have licensed software, or you are a pirate. In short, total control.


Who needs these mobiles except high school kids? I mean, I understand a bomber driver or some pizza delivery guy can take a hundred-dollar order. Homeless people can tell each other they threw something away at the garbage dump. Why would a trader do that?

Yuri, is it possible to assume from your post that the adult population in Uzbekistan is divided by occupation into -


pizza delivery guy



Defendant, you're twisting your statement. If you were referring to Skype, you'd obviously be saying...

In Uzbekistan, I do call mobile phones SOTKA, but no one calls Skype a STATIONARY PHONE.

Further, your lawyer says that "He answers that, with all due respect, until he is personally convinced that I am not stealing someone's money on the Internet using his cell phone, he will not accept any SMS".

So you called him on his mobile phone and he didn't have a computer to look into the matter. Later he found out. So you have a tariff for calls from Skype to mobile, but it contradicts all your statements about the need for communications for you in principle.

I am not talking about unnecessary communication, because I use the Internet connection systematically, for example to reply to you in the thread. And I don't mean, but I do have Skype paid for and I can indeed call on my mobile phone. What makes you think a lawyer can't have a computer if he has a cell phone?

What are you trying to tell me, Citizen Warden, I still don't get?


The next step is to sew an ID-chip into the hand (so that no one would swipe it), then any device will turn on only when its owner uses it, including the computer, and by that time you can control whether you have licensed software, or you are a pirate. In short, total control.

It will be, it is only a matter of time. I personally am in favour. No kidding.

Yuri, is it possible to assume from your post that the adult population in Uzbekistan is divided by occupation into -


pizza delivery guy



You got it all wrong as usual. I was talking about the occupations for which mobiles are necessary and those that are not.

It will be like that, it's only a matter of time. I personally am in favour. No kidding.

I have again a double attitude, on the one hand I'm not a militant anarchist (so I'm rather in favor), it is the only way to transform humanity from a bunch of individuals into a single super-organism,

On the other hand, this should not happen before the government becomes in control, because there is nothing worse than a ruthless autocratic czar.

SZS. Here is a typical example from five minutes ago, I go to Google profile, and there are new services and forced reauthorisation. I made a joke with date of birth (I wrote that I was born February 29, 2008) and got rejected because I am 4 years old ;)

I was laughing at that moment, but after trying to fix it I receive login to restore the profile where I am asked for a credit card number and guarantee that it will be charged only a fee for the restoration of the profile. This is not funny, my profile was in groups communication for previous years, which I sometimes looked. Since I'm not going to restore the profile on their terms, in fact it's all lost for me. That's what I call arbitrary behaviour on the part of Google. Not only have they not asked me whether I need these new services, but they also demand money for an innocent prank, albeit a penny, but still a fact, and even with a credit card.