Interesting and Humour - page 4863

Vitaly Murlenko:

Watch this guy's video (by the way, there's another unique guy there, also explaining the proportions and nuances) - you'll learn a lot of interesting things for yourself. I watched both their videos with rapt attention. I gave you this video clip just to get you to the whole series of videos.

They add lime to the clay there!

They whitewash the stoves with lime.)
Древнейший язык программирования восстал из мертвых и хочет стать самым популярным
Древнейший язык программирования восстал из мертвых и хочет стать самым популярным
  • 2021.04.07
Язык программирования Fortran, созданный в 1957 г., переживает резкий всплеск популярности. В рейтинге TIOBE он еще летом 2020 г. занимал самое последнее 50 место, но к апрелю 2021 г. оказался на 20 строчке. Несмотря на почтенный возраст, Fortran продолжает развиваться и использоваться в различных сферах – его самая актуальная версия вышла в...
Valeriy Yastremskiy:
Fortran is alive!!!

Isn't there an OOP added to it yet?


Hasn't it got OOP added in there yet?

Why not? OOP was already in Fortran in '77. Catbust was written in it in the 80's. PLO was not present in Fortran 4, which was given at the institute in the 1980s and for which we built the compiler for our machines. And the 77th COCOM did not pass, apparently.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

Why? OOP was already in Fortran in '77. Catbust was written in it in the 80's. OOP was not in Fortran 4, which was given at the institute in the 1980s and for which we built the compiler for our machines. And the 77th COCOM didn't make it through.

How I lagged behind the progress of Fortran!

OOP is obsolete, it's time to move to subject-oriented programming)
Aleksey Nikolayev:
OOP is obsolete, it is time to move to subject-oriented programming)

We should not forget that subject-object relations are already considered an archaism for transpersonal psycho/sociology; the new ontological challenges of modernity require a shift from the dual perception of object-subject relations to traject - that which lies between subject and object, thus trajecto-oriented programming will be able to overcome the binary nature of reality and bring the operator into the pure space of archetypal eidos.


We should not forget that subject-object relations are already considered an archaism for transpersonal psycho/sociology; the new ontological challenges of modernity require a shift from the dual perception of object-subject relations to trajectus - that which lies between subject and object, thus trajecto-oriented programming will be able to overcome the binary nature of reality and bring the operator into the pure space of archetypal eidos.

This would require a strong expansion of consciousness.

Nah, better the old-fashioned way)))) subject to subject, object to object)))) Otherwise, it's like a subject-object-trajectory fornication))))

We should not forget that subject-object relations are already considered an archaism for transpersonal psycho/sociology; the new ontological challenges of modernity require a transition from the dual perception of object-subject relations to trajectus - that which lies between subject and object, so that traject-oriented programming will be able to overcome the binary nature of reality and bring the operator into the pure space of archetypal eidos.

The Eleatian school, starting with Xenophanes of Colophon, had argued that it was impossible to conceive of the multiplicity of the cosmos without falling into logical contradictions. The famous aporias of Zeno of Eleutheria were a futile attempt to convey this simple idea in a comprehensible form to at least educated people, but were always perceived as mere anecdotes. Only in the twentieth century, after the paradox of Bertrand Russell's "set of all sets" and Kurt Gödel's theorem of incompleteness of arithmetic, a true picture of absolute impossibility of logical knowledge of Cosmos in the framework of its model as a set of objects and subjects began to open a little. Even the great Wittgenstein failed to make any headway in solving this crucial epistemological problem of philosophy and slipped into what is bashfully referred to as "the late Wittgenstein period". For the moment, official philosophy has studiously avoided this topic, dealing instead with the so-called "difficult problem of consciousness" and other "philosophies of the cultural history of the Indians of the Upper Amazon". Nevertheless, it is clear to true experts that a true and infallible programming language must be Unicode. It is not yet very clear to us ordinary people what this means in practice, but it is clear that work is underway.