Interesting and Humour - page 4730


Everything is correct in the article. You shouldn't touch it, not even with a stick, it won't smell.

The price tags look adequate enough, there aren't many zeros. One zero could be removed, but the side effects are too serious. Let the prices change evolutionarily.

The absolute value of the prices doesn't matter as long as it's not a matter of coins which are awkward to deal with when the wallet is full of notes or on the contrary, iron coins. Banknotes are becoming more and more common. I've had only a few hundred nalas and a few ten-ruble coins in my wallet for a long time now.


Today is Bastille Day, France's biggest holiday. Vive la France!

no more news.

What's the question?
Answer A: 25%.

Reason: no two answers can be the same according to the rules of the game (at most, common sense) and therefore the second answer D of 25% is wrong, because it is the SECOND one. So it falls away and leaves one correct answer A: 25%.

Moral: Don't get into other people's puzzles, and if you got in and can't get out, cut them off like a Gordian knot. )))
Реter Konow:
Answer A: 25%

Reason: no two answers can be the same according to the rules of the game (at most, common sense) and therefore the second answer D of 25% is wrong, because it is the SECOND one. So it falls away and leaves one correct answer A: 25%.

Moral: Don't get into other people's puzzles, and if you got in and can't get out, cut them off like a Gordian knot. )))

no, it's not.

the question is about the odds of answering any question correctly at random.

the answer is 50%.

So it's either guessed it or it isn't.
Renat Akhtyamov:

No, it's not.

the question is about the chances of answering any question correctly at random

the answer is 50%.

No. If 50%, you hit A or D with 50% probability. But, A and D are wrong because they each say 25%.

That is, the probability of NOT guessing is 100%.
And there is no chance of guessing at all.

Unless you cut that "Gordian knot" (as I did above).
Реter Konow:
No. If it's 50%, you get A or D with a 50% probability. But, A and D are wrong because they each say 25%.

so A and D are answer choices, not questions ;)

50% correct answer

Renat Akhtyamov:

so A and D are answer choices, not questions ;)

50% is the right answer

To repeat.

50% is the probability of hitting 25%, not the correct answer.
Реter Konow:
I'll say it again.

50% is the probability of hitting 25%, not the right answer.

You can repeat it all you want.
