Interesting and Humour - page 4616

Vladimir Tkach:
All right, everybody. (Man over P.A.) Attention!
Everyone in the world is looking for Volchansky. Who knows where he's gone?

I'll burn the turnout, you can catch him here.

Мои фантастические миры | Яндекс Дзен
Мои фантастические миры | Яндекс Дзен
  • Мои фантастические миры
Ранее тут был канал с рассказами про моих женщин. Потом Дзен меня пессимизировал, подробно описано в первом посте. Буду писать о разном, в основном истории из моей жизни.
Bandar-logs are the diaries of Bandar-logs.
Sergey Golubev:

Good morning

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

Good morning.

Guys, something happened in your personal life, why the horns?

Alekseu Fedotov:

I'll save the turnout, you can catch it here.

How do you get in? :-)

I only have this:

Previously there was a channel here with stories about my women. Then Zen pessimized me, detailed in the first post. I'll be writing about different things, mostly stories from my life.


Honestly, it's a mess... shameful and spammy... He's gone psycho... Too bad... he never posted his scalper... ...and he never posted...

Roman Shiredchenko:

how do you get in? :-)

I only have this:

Previously there was a channel here with stories about my women. Then Zen pissed me off, detailed in the first post. I'll be writing about different things, mostly stories from my life.


Honestly, it's a mess... shameful and spammy... He's gone psycho... Too bad... he never posted his scalper... ...and he didn't write it down...

If that's all it takes, click on any article and enjoy reading it.

His scalper's on the local blog, open,

though I don't know at what stage of development.

Ihor Herasko:
Banderlogs are the journals of bandar-logs.

bail - approved, good diary

the magazine is a cash magazine :-)

an albom - a noble "Bom"

trad - a hijacking of the letter T by miscreants

trader - three "der "s or one miscreant

♪ currency is an embankment in Utah ♪

♪ a quote is kicking a cat ♪

Alekseu Fedotov:

If only that: then you've already gone in, click on any article and enjoy reading.

Scalper is on his local, open source blog,

though I don't know at what stage of development.

How do I select an article? I don't have any selection keys... I don't think so.


Yuriy Zaytsev:


about bears was just discussed today

the poor creatures probably have nowhere to sleep, no den, not enough snow...

Gentlemen, I understand everybody in the thread knows everything... :-) there comrade Golubev in the context of the topic branch
Shared a hilarious picture of a fat moose starting the morning... :-)

So IMHO all the following pictures of animals are off-top. :-)