Interesting and Humour - page 4262

Denis Sartakov:

In October, Anokhin suggested another way to improve his well-being. At a parliamentary session

In October Anokhin offered yet another way to improve his health, saying at one of the parliamentary sessions that he has not had a drink for three years and "feels better every day".

The image immediately springs to mind of a fisherman with a pile of fish on the table and a disgruntled wife.

When there's an idiot in office, it's not clear what's better. For him not to get drunk and make decisions, or for him to get drunk and let things run their course.

The people have their own fun not seeing how the idiot got there and how to remove him. And to be amused by an imaginary sense of choice with a personal imaginary opinion on whether he should drink or not.


In Yekaterinburg someone still hasn't thrown away the tree )))


So far all my vpn's have worked without any problems in spite of the ghouls from rosmordor, maybe there just hasn't been a command to bring down the iron curtain yet ...

Just be patient, sweetheart

the curtain

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Bear with me, honey.

Who's that? Roskompozor?

Be patient honey, we'll cut off your oxygen too, we just don't have time, there's so much work...
Denis Sartakov:

Who's that?

The girl has a poker in her hand, I turn the heat like that in the brazier when I'm grilling kebabs.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The girl has a poker in her hand, I turn the heat like that in the brazier when I grill kebabs.

Are you awake? Thinking about the country?

you need to rest...
Denis Sartakov:

who is that?

:-) it's the prosecutor, what's the scare ?

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The girl has a poker in her hand, I turn the heat like that in the barbecue when I'm grilling kebabs.

Vitaly! It's a whip.


... Iron Curtain...

Пенсионерки из «Отрядов Путина» сожгли фото Дурова и пригрозили ему визитом
Пенсионерки из «Отрядов Путина» сожгли фото Дурова и пригрозили ему визитом
  • 2018.04.27
  • Редакция
Пожилые активистки патриотического движения «Отряды Путина» демонстративно порвали бумаги с распечатанными логотипом Telegram и фотографией его создателя Павла Дурова. Видеозапись акции опубликована в YouTube-канале движения. Пенсионерки потребовали «закрыть, уничтожить» мессенджер, чтобы его «вообще не существовало». Дурова они назвали...