Interesting and Humour - page 2682

Anatoli Kazharski:

People who consistently see nothing else but mud in the corners have nothing else to answer for. That goes for you too. By the way, no negativity. What negativity can there be if you are ridiculous? And that's at best, in a good mood. At worst, you can only be sympathetic. It is you who are high on negativity and pessimism. Observed more than once. And I responded to him in that way (just as I did to you once) so that he doesn't come to me with his nonsense again. Celebrating any achievements is far more interesting than digging dirt out of the nooks and crannies, which you are so happy to do and encourage each other at the same time. Nasty, which is why they respond to you accordingly.

So: "When the caravan goes in the right direction, the dogs tend to bark particularly loudly."

Here's some more salt in the wound. "Get high."

The Elbrus-8C microprocessor will go into mass production in 2016 >>>


Just don't include those mantras of yours and demotivators. We have all heard and seen them, they are always the same, whatever happens. Events are different, the caravan goes, and the mantras are the same. Primitive. ))

I don't know anything about 8C, but I saw an Elbrus kAPUTER based on 4C processor at an exhibition - 800Mg frequency and 400 000 rubles price. They promise to start selling it this summer.

Well, what, the bomb, h.l.......


I don't know anything about the 8C, but I saw the Elbrus kAPUTER based on the 4C processor in person at the exhibition - 800Mg frequency and 400,000 roubles price. They promise to start selling it this summer.

Well, what, the bomb, h.l.......

Yeah. You are 100% predictable. )) All this (and more) has already been discussed. Look it up. Here, of course, I wish there had simply been a publication of the event. Your meaningless incompetent rant, no matter how you try to sound, is not interesting. And questions are better addressed to specialized resources on a given topic, where you can get an accurate answer. There you will find the pros and cons, depending on what energy you are feeding on. ;))


Anatoli Kazharski:

People who consistently see nothing else but mud in the corners have nothing else to answer for. That goes for you too. By the way, no negativity. What negativity can there be if you are ridiculous? And that's at best, in a good mood. At worst, you can only be sympathetic. It is you who are high on negativity and pessimism. Observed more than once. And I responded to him in that way (just as I did to you once) so that he doesn't come to me with his nonsense again. Celebrating any achievements is far more interesting than digging dirt out of the nooks and crannies, which you are so happy to do and encourage each other at the same time. Nasty, which is why they respond to you accordingly.

So: "When the caravan goes in the right direction, the dogs tend to bark particularly loudly."

Here's some more salt in the wound. "Get high."

Elbrus-8S microprocessor to go into mass production in 2016 >>>


Just don't include those mantras of yours and demotivators. We have all heard and seen them, they are always the same, whatever happens. Events are different, the caravan goes, and the mantras are the same. Primitive. ))

Mantras and demotivators won't "turn on", don't even hope.

I want to ask your pardon for my critical perception "paying attention to only one mud" and sowing pessimism in your cozy maniramirk. Well, at least you managed to make me laugh and that's good) And your caravan is not delaying in the least (I have always been a supporter of the rule of three DDS) - let it go in its "only right direction" for another 70 years.

Igor Konyashin:

Mantras and demotivators won't "turn on", don't even get your hopes up.

I want to apologize for my critical perception that I "pay attention to only dirt" and sow pessimism in your cozy maniramirk. Well, at least you managed to make me laugh and that's good) And your caravan is not delaying in the least (I have always been a supporter of the rule of three DDS) - let it go in its "only right direction" for another 70 years.

There is no need to ask for forgiveness. You are not to blame for anything. That is your nature. Everyone has to act according to their own internal algorithm. There is always optimism in my cosy world and your pessimism cannot change that. You will not be able to detain the caravan, even if you wanted it very much, so your attempts are futile. Do something useful, if you can. If not in the country you live in, then maybe somewhere else. Unlike you and your likes, we welcome any useful achievement, no matter where or who implemented it.

Anatoli Kazharski:

There is no need to ask for forgiveness. You are not to blame for anything. That is your nature. Everyone has to act according to their own internal algorithm. There is always optimism in my cosy world and your pessimism cannot change that. You will not be able to detain the caravan, even if you wanted it very much, so your attempts are futile. Do something useful, if you can. If not in the country you live in, then maybe somewhere else. Unlike you and others like you, we welcome any useful achievement, no matter where or who implemented it.

and I'm sorry.... Forgive us all!
Anatoli Kazharski:

Do something useful, if you can. If not in the country you live in, then maybe somewhere else.

Thank you for your kind words. That's exactly what I do, and by happy coincidence it's not in the country where I live.


a bone has been cast on a stone.

there is a war going on...



Anatoli Kazharski:

People who consistently see nothing else but mud in the nooks and crannies have nothing else to answer to......

Anatoli Kazharski:

.....Your meaningless incompetent rant, however you try to sound, is uninteresting....

Well, let's hear an honest and competent response from a man who certainly cannot be accused of picking mud in the nooks and crannies and meaningless incompetent chatter.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin:
"The Russian rocket and space industry is undergoing a deep systemic crisis that has a number of causes ranging from technological backwardness and worn-out equipment to the behaviour of company management. As a result, today we are nine times behind the USA in the most important indicator - efficiency in the space industry. For example, the American company Orbital Sciences employs only 1,300 people, which is 13 times less than at the Khrunichev Center. But the annual output per person is almost 414 thousand dollars.
There has been no comprehensive modernisation of the space industry, except for a few plants. The rocket and space industry is still designing on the drawing board in the old fashioned way. Mathematical models are not used when calculating contingencies.
In the USA, only two companies - Boeing and Lockheed Martin - create the whole range of spacecraft, both civil and dual-purpose. We have seven such companies: Reshetnev ISS, Progress, Lavochkin Research and Production Association, Energia, VNIIEM, Kometa Central Research Institute, and Arsenal Design Bureau.
Each has its own cooperation, produces on-board equipment with various components and has its own experimental base. As a result, eight different on-board computers are used on the Russian satellites.
As a consequence: our parallel enterprises were not loaded more than 40% at best, accordingly their income was not enough to re-equip or to hire highly qualified specialists.
It was poor management at the Khrunichev Centre that led to a succession of Proton crashes, sharply reducing the competitiveness of these rockets on the world market and leading the manufacturer to de facto bankruptcy. As a result, a programme worth almost 40 billion roubles had to be drawn up to improve the financial situation
In eight criminal cases alone involving fraud, embezzlement, abuse of authority and forgery, the damage to the company exceeded 9 billion rubles. The Center's bad debts reached 7.3 billion rubles.
With such a moral decay in the company's management, one should not be surprised by such a high accident rate. These space bosses have been in their "space" for a long time. Hopefully, the force of legal gravity will bring them back to where they belong".