Interesting and Humour - page 2316



Tea with honey is a must when working at the computer. If your work involves computers, then tea with honey is your beverage of choice. For those who spend their working day at the monitor, medics advise you to drink up to three cups of it daily, but no more than that


If there were other planets in the place of the moon

Video shows what some planets in the Solar System would look like from Earth if they were in the place of the Moon.

I was sent to the bathhouse in a four, I guess that's how they transfer everyone to a five.)

Similarly, but I dared to fart at the Ukrainian border. On the other hand, those who fart on Russia in buckets are in honour at MQL.
Likewise, but I dared to fart in the direction of the Ukrainian border. On the other hand, those who fart on Russia in buckets are in honor on MQL.

One more negative comment about Russia and you're out of the bathhouse for a month.

Tired of cleaning up your chauvinistic posts from time to time.


How many awards did Lenin receive during his lifetime?

The Order of Lenin was awarded more than 400,000 times during his lifetime. However, Lenin himself did not receive any awards during his lifetime, except the Order of Labour of the Khorezm People's Socialist Republic in 1922.


Which screensaver for 'The Prisoner of the Caucasus' was not allowed by the Soviet censors?

In the original screensaver of The Prisoner of the Caucasus, the Coward appeared and wrote the letter 'X' on the fence. Then the Byvalyi came out and wrote the letter "U" next to it. The third appeared Goon, who had seen a policeman and finished his work by writing the letter "dovish film". For censorship reasons, the splash screen was not included in the final version of the film.


Why was Soviet footballer Aleksandr Zavarov nicknamed a beetroot in France?

At the end of his career, the famous Soviet footballer Aleksandr Zavarov played for the French club Nancy. He was nicknamed "blette" (French for a subspecies of beetroot) because he often said it when he and others made mistakes on the pitch.


What goalkeeper could have been a great hockey player but chose football?

Lev Yashin was not only a football goalkeeper, but also a hockey goalkeeper. In 1953 he won the USSR Hockey Cup and a bronze medalist of the USSR Championship. They wanted to call Yashin to the hockey team for the World Cup, but he decided to concentrate on football.


One more negative comment about Russia and you're out of the bathhouse for a month.

Tired of cleaning up your chauvinistic posts from time to time.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Chauvinism(French:chauvinisme) is anideology, the essence of which lies in preaching national superiority in order to justify the right to discriminate and oppress other peoples.

...............O, almost fascism! Thanks for the kind words, I'll shut up now.


Why do cosmonauts watch the film White Sun of Desert before departure?

It is known that Soviet and Russian cosmonauts have a tradition of watching the film The White Sun of the Desert before departure. It turns out that this tradition has a logical reason. It was the film that was shown to cosmonauts as a benchmark for cameraman work - using it as an example, they were taught how to work correctly with the camera and build a plan.