Interesting and Humour - page 2159


Good night

No sleeping, gotta get to work soon)

Good night.

no sleeping, gotta go to work soon)
I'm on holiday - I can sleep, I can stay awake :)
I'm on holiday - I can sleep, I can stay awake :)
What about the opening of the stock exchanges?
what about the opening of the exchanges?

The exchange opens at 10:30. Well, now, to bed.



erotica in the interior...


Why I gave up my mobile phone (and started living)

I ended up finding it cheaper to rent a regular phone without any gimmicks and keep paying for 3G, which I never used again.

This incident spoiled my attitude to operators and pushed me down the path of opposition. I got out of the communications arms race the rest of the world was in.

My girlfriend noticed one Friday night that her acquaintance's tweet "A couple of cans of Stella, wok noodles, nitty gritty night" had been entered into her favourites 64 times. Social media is about people who cannot shut up, even in private. "Naturally, I'm not on Facebook - I'm a poet," was a friend's quip that stuck in my head for a long time.

Today, more than ever, man has to fight for his mental sovereignty, for his thoughts, for time, space and silence in which to think them over.

Getting a decent job, one gets a company car and a telephone. It seems like a privilege, but in reality it's a chain that makes him available to his employer 24/7. Technology, designed to liberate us, has become our golden cage.

Now that I don't have a phone, I am no longer distracted by anything. I arrange appointments the old-fashioned way: make a date at 6 in the pub and just be there at that time, it's not that bloody difficult. Mobile phones steal our personal time and turn us from self-sufficient people into infantiles, dependent on meaningless coddling with others like us. They undermine our will and organisation - why stick to agreements when you can adjust your mind at any time by texting? The tyranny of technology makes us emotionally unstable children in many, many ways.

Почему я отказался от мобильного телефона (и начал жить)
Почему я отказался от мобильного телефона (и начал жить)
Я освободился от мобильников год назад. Всю жизнь я терял их один за другим, покупал следующие более дешевые. Кончил я треснутой раскладушкой-нокией, стилизованной в тонах Hello Kitty, которую моя мать засунула в коробку с хламом в гараже. Эта нокия продержалась дольше других, но когда погибла и она, я не мог заставить себя обзавестись новым...

Patients in critical conditions to be frozen before surgery

A new and revolutionary lifesaving technique for lethal injuries involving massive blood loss is to be tested in humans at the University of Pittsburgh Presbyterian Hospital (USA). Patients will be frozen to about 10 degrees Celsius by replacing their blood with saline and putting them in a state of "suppressed vitality". This reduces cellular activity to almost zero, giving doctors precious time to perform an operation that could save the patient's life. This is reported byNew Scientist .

A team of surgeons is being trained to operate on the new technique for the first 10 patients admitted to hospital with severe - and fatal - bleeding. These will be people who have lost around 50% of their blood and cannot be resuscitated normally. The chances of survival for such patients, who are admitted to the Presbyterian Hospital about once a month, under conventional resuscitation are less than 7%.

"We wouldn't like to call the technique life-suppression," says Samuel Tisherman, who was involved in the development of the pioneering technique. - "It's more about 'preservation' and saving lives. "If a patient is brought to us two hours after death, there is nothing we can do to help him. But if he is still bleeding and you freeze him, there is a chance to bring him back to life once you have 'repaired' his body," adds surgeon Peter Rea, who was also involved in the methodology.

The benefits of induced hypothermia, or cooling, have been known for years. At normal body temperature - around 37 degrees Celsius - cells require oxygen to produce energy. When the heart stops beating, the blood stops delivering oxygen to the tissues and their cells, and very quickly the chemical processes lead to irreversible changes in them. The brain, for example, can only survive for about five minutes without oxygen.

When the temperature drops, however, much less oxygen is required. Prior to heart or brain surgery, surgeons will place a person on ice, which can stop the heart for up to 45 minutes. But this approach requires advance preparation and planning, which in the case of fatal wounds and severe bleeding is impossible. Therefore, a method that can give doctors extra time can actually save lives.

The cyclist is a real disaster for the economy.
He doesn't buy a car and doesn't take out a car loan against it.
He doesn't buy petrol.
Doesn't use the services of repair shops and car washes.
Doesn't take out "public liability" insurance.
Does not use paid parking.
No obesity. And healthy, for crying out loud!
Healthy people are not necessary to the economy.
They don't buy drugs.
They don't go to private doctors.
They don't increase the country's GDP.
What is the difference between a donkey and a donkey?

Biologically speaking, there is nothing

Вокруг Света | Вопрос-ответ | В чем разница между ишаком и ослом?
Вокруг Света | Вопрос-ответ | В чем разница между ишаком и ослом?
С точки зрения биологии, ни в чем Оба слова означают животное, принадлежащее к виду Equus asinus. Как предполагается, слово «осел» унаследовано русским языком от древнего общеславянского, а в нем представляло собой переделку готского слова asilus, в свою очередь восходящего к латинскому asinus. Слово «ишак» пришло в...