Interesting and Humour - page 1648



Advertisers go to all sorts of tricks just to get the goods


Of all the representatives of the living world in the human home, the aquarium stands out because it requires very little care. In this respect, it can only be compared with cacti.

The potatoes taste just like meat!

Fluffy" ice-cream is made with blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Philaret of Minsk and Slutsk!

The morning begins not with coffee. (Plumbing World Shop).

The Toilet is a Householder's Face! ("Harpic", a sanitary and tile cleaner)

My husband drinks, but I am calm for him. (Filters "Akvafor").

Your strength is in our eggs! (Poultry Farm "Union")


There is much to agree on, but why has the air become thin?

The atmosphere should be evenly distributed across the Earth's surface. Gravity is the same everywhere since there is no centrifugal force. So the density of air must be equally distributed everywhere.


New russian curse words

Eyjafjallajokudl ejafjallajokudl, ejafjallajokudl, but not vyeyafjallajokudl.
We've got to reeyafyatlajokudljokudljokudljokudljokudljokudljokudljokudljokudljokudljokudljok.

Lilac toothpick.

Compliments of a pretty woman:
My spoonful of gutterbend with a pre-podwarp.

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov stole coral from Tanirbergen Berdongarov.

Do you possess taxable grace?

Now that's a clever (and correct) :
It's pointless to make sense of unthinking thoughts!

And this is sort of the dream of the people (and all the people are marching ... let them too):
The higher echelons marching drunkenly to the underdogs along the highway.

And this is lyricism ...
Dybro is an animal in the wilds of the tundra,
Like beaver and otter, the enemy of cobra and powder.
He cheerfully pinches cedar kernels and crushes the good in the bowels of the earth.

Who invented them? It's mind-blowing!

But at home he will say that he was attacked by a drunken Russian bear in an earflaps and beaten with a balalaika, and for no reason at all.


One can agree with many things, but why has the air become rarefied?

The atmosphere, on the other hand, must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the Earth. Gravity is the same everywhere since there is no centrifugal force. So the density of air must be equally distributed everywhere.

I haven't looked. So, off the top of my head: as the temperature rises, the speed of molecules increases; because of different temperature, different air density; as the electric charge decreases, the electromagnetic attraction to the earth decreases. There are probably other factors as well.
Didn't watch it. I did not look it up. So, off the top of my head: with temperature, the velocity of molecules increases; with different temperature, different density of air; with a decrease in the electric charge, the electromagnetic attraction to the earth decreases. There must be some other factors.

There oceans began to flow away towards the poles as the centrifugal force began to decrease due to the slowing down of the planet's rotation speed. I agree with this - all in physics - at the equator water is "lighter" due to the action of centrifugal force. At the poles it is "heavier" due to the virtual absence of centrifugal force. The rotation was gradually stopped - water flowed towards the poles until its mass was completely distributed according to the laws of "new gravity" of the planet - now the planet has no centrifugal force and the gravitational force is nowhere compensated by the centrifugal force. Everywhere the mass and density of the ocean is the same.

But what does air have to do with it? It had to redistribute like the ocean over the whole surface of the planet and become of the same density on the whole volume - because now only the gravitational force of the planet acts on it. Proceeding from this, now the air should be more rarefied at the equator. After stopping the planet's rotation, its density should be equalized everywhere around the perimeter of the sphere. In the film, after rotation was stopped, the air at the equator became so rarefied that it became dangerous and impossible to live there...

I think it's rubbish...

About reduction of electromagnetic field of the planet, which protects from influence of ultra-violet rays - it is kind of clear here. But the air... The trouble is...