Interesting and Humour - page 1605

Where do you live? We have 12 rubles.
That was an overreaction... A sack of potatoes costs about 100 roubles here. It's a standard transparent cellophane sack, the kind they wrap bread in in those same shops.
Where do you live? We have 12 rubles.
It looks like he's from the suburbs - he lives in Rublevka.

the ruble quotes on alpari best reflect the situation in the country


the ruble quotes on alpari best reflect the situation in the country

And what does the half-hour chart show? When is the payroll?)
Where do you live? Here it's 12 rubles.
I live in St. Petersburg. I take potatoes for about 20 roubles a kEg)
I live in St. Petersburg. I get potatoes for about 20 roubles a kEg.)
Quiet, you're shouting. They're coming.

If so, it was the Olympic flame that was on the plan to visit the Moscow underground.

This torch is called the Olympic lamp. There are 6 of them, each with a flame of the original in case the torch goes out.

That's right, no time to waste, that's how they'll go from now on. With a lamp.


The great Italian writer and philosopher Umberto Eco has written an essay on Alexei Herman's latest masterpiece, Hard to Be God. This was announced at a press conference in Moscow by Marco Müller, artistic director of the Rome Film Festival, where the film will premiere. According to Muller, Eco was the first European spectator of Hard to Be God. The author of The Name of the Rose spent three days recovering from the shock of the screening before writing an article. The essay concludes with the thought that after Herman, Tarantino's films seem like Disney cartoons, said Muller. Eco's text will soon be published in both Russian and Italian, but first the world will meet the film itself. It will premiere from 8 to 17 November 2013 at the Rome IFF, where Alexei German will be posthumously awarded the Capitoline Wolfhound, an honorary prize for his contribution to cinema. The round table dedicated to the work of the great Russian director will also take place in Rome at the same time, and, as the organisers hope, Umberto Eco will take part in it.

The original Sochi 2014 Olympic torch was sold at an auction for $3,283.
Along with the torch, the seller also gave away the torchbearer's costume. The starting price of the set was $2,000.

Also at the auction, a schoolboy from Vladimir ( ) put up for sale another Sochi 2014 torch, the starting price of which was set at USD 500, although the seller expects to receive USD 30,000 for the lot. Term of the auction - until October 13. It is worth noting that the Olympic torch relay has not yet reached Vladimir. It will not be until October 16: