Interesting and Humour - page 1054

All in the cache? ))
I'm not. I'm soft and lazy, like my white cat. I never converted those burnt-out savings of 4,000 Soviet rubles into cache. Nah, I don't regret it. I'm now caching other data, and I've already received a decent compensation for that very caching. I'll keep on caching. Heehee

Lucio Fontana's "Space Concept, Waiting" - $1.5 million

// maybe if you cut it up some more, it'll be even more expensive.)


'Untitled', Cy Twombly - $2.3 million

This painting by Cy Twombly sold for $2.3 million at Christie's auction. This work is done in coloured pencils on paper, which is about the same, and with the same materials that kindergarteners try to use to draw their first letters.


Zdate the new year, first thing in the morning


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed an order on the night of March 29 to put missile forces on alert for a strike against US military bases in South Korea and the Pacific Ocean. This was reported by the official North Korean news agency CTAC.

The order was signed at an emergency operational meeting attended by representatives of the country's military leadership. Kim Jong-un expressed his belief that under the current circumstances, "the time has come to settle accounts with the US imperialists" and said that the enemy bases "will be turned to ashes with one blow."


'Untitled', Cy Twombly - $2.3 million

This painting by Cy Twombly sold for $2.3 million at Christie's auction. This work is done in coloured pencils on paper, which is about the same, and with the same materials that kindergarteners try to use to draw their first letters.

I have a lot of these pictures left over from kindergarten. I'll give them away for half the price).

Zdate the new year, early in the morning


North Korean leader Kim Jong-un signed an order on the night of March 29 to put missile forces on alert for a strike against US military bases in South Korea and the Pacific Ocean. This was reported by the official North Korean news agency CTAC.

The order was signed at an emergency operational meeting attended by representatives of the country's military leadership. Kim Jong-un expressed his belief that under the current circumstances, "the time has come to settle accounts with the US imperialists" and said that the enemy bases "will be turned to ashes with one blow."

It is very dangerous when a country is run by a young man who is very hot. Plus grew up and was brought up in a "closed aquarium". I hope the country is not run by him, but by the nomenklatura.

Yes, but the rope, the soap ... there's something mystical ... coincidence of course ... although ...

It's been days and Scotland Yard can't make up its mind. All that's clear is a hanging and a broken rib... ...and then I haven't seen any bathroom curtain holders that can hold a man's weight.

There are other oddities, but it's better to wait for the official conclusions.

After this billet...

 "Некоторое время назад, может быть, пару месяцев, Березовский направил Владимиру Путину письмо,
написанное им лично, в котором он признал, что совершил очень много ошибок,
попросил у Путина прощения за эти ошибки и обратился к Путину с просьбой помочь ему вернуться на родину",
- рассказал пресс-секретарь. (Дмитрий Песков)
I don't doubt "natural" causes of death at all.
I've got a lot of pictures like that left over from kindergarten. I'll give it to you for half price.)

Is there one?

"Cowboy, Ellsworth Kelly - $1.7 million