Errors, bugs, questions - page 1069

2013.09.07 02:39:36 iTester-SL (GBPUSD,M1) 1 object of type CTestStat left
2013.09.07 02:39:36 iTester-SL (GBPUSD,M1) 1 undeleted objects left

Memory leak // Or compiler glitch.

The object has been declared as a static global variable. (!) That is, it is not dynamic at all.

The problem occurred after the part of the code which uses this variable was moved to an .mqh file and declared in this file as extern (no leakage was detected before):

The program works fine.

// I avoided the problem by declaring the object dynamic. Now I create it in OnInit(), delete it in OnDeinit(). Leakage (leakage messages) stopped.

Thanks for the post, fixed. Corrected build will be released after 853 build.

Hello again!

Is it possible to organize in MQL5 distributed calculations by changing input data (input parameters) during optimization?

In other words, I have an online service-provider that generates some actual data with known periodicity. It would be desirable to be able to read this data on the terminal side and update the optimization process in MQL5 Cloud (without interrupting it), similar to FrameAdd/ParameterSetRange. Or, to feed it with its data for each pass right before its execution, not during initialization of the whole optimization.

Optimization over history data doesn't suit my case, it is of great importance to use actual values.

P.S. I was happy that some collective wisdom helped me fix errors and implemented WinSock+OpenCL trace, but failed to take into account that calling Dll on remote agents is prohibited :-(. So, status update on agents via WinSock didn't work.

Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Распределенные вычисления в сети MQL5 Cloud Network
Заработать деньги, продавая мощности своего компьютера для сети распределенных вычислений MQL5 Cloud Network

Hello again!

Is it possible to organize distributed calculations in MQL5, changing input data (input parameters) in the process of optimization?

You can change input parameters via ParameterSetRange once at OnTesterInit.
Input parameters via ParameterSetRange can be changed once at OnTesterInit.

I'm aware of that, which is why the question came up.

Update: I have submitted Suggestions#855334 to ServiceDesk. Let's see what they will suggest.


Что-то в последней версии компилятора накосячили.

Под билдом 852 и Вин7-64 - после компиляции и попытке запуска своего работающего ранее индикатора получаю сообщение в логе - Invalid EX5 file

Что интересно, в отладчике этот же индикатор запускается и работает нормально.
This bug may have already been fixed (fixed a bug with the same symptoms). Wait for official release. It will be available very soon.
Everything is working in the latest build 854.
Everything worked in the latest 854 build.

And I had an update today ( 852 build before the update) and also stayed with 852.

Something without announcements, somehow it became more difficult to understand when which build should be when. At the moment there are 851 builds in the announcements branch(List of changes in MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal builds).


And I had an update today (I had 852 build before the update) and also have 852 left.

Something without announcements, somehow it became more difficult to understand when which build is due. At the moment there are 851 builds in the announcements branch(List of changes in MetaTrader 5 Client Terminal builds).

This is a public beta test on our demo server only. This approach allows us to quickly assess the correctness of the system.

The release will be tomorrow.


This is a public beta test on our demo server only. This approach allows us to quickly assess the correctness of the system.

It will be released tomorrow.

There is a chance to log in to your demo and then go back to the broker without really looking into it... with unknown functionality of this case.
Yes, there is that chance. But that's what beta testing is all about.

Renat, do you have a chance to take a look at my application#855334 and give an opinion on how realistic it is to expect such functionality? No promises of timing, just a 'yes' or 'no'.

I'm wondering if it's worth the wait, or will the system have to be abandoned?

I would be very grateful.