Errors, bugs, questions - page 391

Interesting: is unacceptable that the comment is not inherited during a flip (especially if it is empty).

Personally, I would mark somehow the change of buy/sell position type, even if there is no comment in the transaction that made the flip (sl/tp is written in the comment on the server automatically).

This is a different matter. On the subject of "comments on position reversal". I agree about the SD.

In any case, this is a request to servicedesk. Because it is unacceptable that the comment is not inherited during a rollover (especially if it is empty).

I personally would mark somehow the change of position type buy/sell, even if there is no comment in the deal that made the reversal (sl/tp is written in the comment on the server automatically).

1. I'm not so confident that I have to write an application to SD for every doubt I have. It's better to sort it out on the forum. Besides, the developers are also looking here.

And what do you suggest to write there? It is unnecessary. In the deal history it is already visible (in/out in the column 'Direction') that there was a reversal, and positions don't have their own history, the position either exists at the moment, or not. And in general, a position reversal is no better than a fill or cut (well, no worse), so why such discrimination?


Maybe I'm not quite sure what the conversation is about...

A rollover doesn't change the position ID, so the position comment shouldn't change either. If we want the comment to change, we should first close the position, then open it.

In general, we should look at the deal history.

I do not see anything wrong with the way the terminal handles comments.

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Документация по MQL5: Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Свойства позиций
Стандартные константы, перечисления и структуры / Торговые константы / Свойства позиций - Документация по MQL5
Basically, it's not a big deal, if the developers could explain why they chose to fill the comment when the position was reversed (which is clearly no accident), there wouldn't be any unnecessary flubbing,
The developers would explain why they have chosen this option of filling the comment at position reversal (and it is clearly not accidental), and there would not be unnecessary rubbish,

You can guess why. There is a trader, one element in the array of positions at the broker, if the position is closed, the element is destroyed. If the position is not closed, there are minimum programmatic actions - the volume and direction are changed.


Maybe I'm not quite sure what the conversation is about...

A rollover doesn't change the position ID, so the position comment shouldn't change either. If we want the comment to change, we should first close the position, then open it.

In general, we should look at the deal history.

I do not see anything wrong with the way the terminal handles comments.

Adding to a position (increase of its volume) does not change its identifier either, but the position comment will change to the one specified in the order for a fill. How is a flip any worse?
Adding to a position (increase of its volume) also does not change the position ID, but the comment on the position changes to the one set in the order for a fill. Why is the flip worse?

Didn't do that, just unbuckled and first turned or didn't pay attention. Strange phenomenon then. Doesn't make any difference anyway, I'm guided by transaction history.


You can guess why. There is a trader, one element in the array of positions at the broker, if the position is closed, the element is destroyed. If the position is not closed, there are minimum programmatic actions - change the volume, direction and that's it.

I.e., the server is to blame? It was he who didn't change the comment on the position? And why, let me ask ?


Ignore this message, the hypothesis proved to be wrong.


1. I am not so self-righteous as to write an application to the BOD for every doubt I have. It's better to sort it out on the forum. Besides, the developers look here too.

Once upon a time, the commentary did not change during averaging either. Developers asked people and everything was fine.

Sooner or later someone will really need it and a request will go to the board. Of course not arguing, everything needs to be well thought out and argued.


Maybe I'm not quite sure what the conversation is about...

A rollover doesn't change the position ID, so the position comment shouldn't change either. If we want the comment to change, we should first close the position, then open it.

In general, we should look at the deal history.

I do not see anything wrong with the way the terminal handles comments.

1. It is not convenient to look through the history of trades all the time (it is somehow easier and more convenient to comment).

I would not like to close and reopen again (additional line of code, or here by hand, if what then?).

2. It is very convenient to change the comment on a position if it was indicated on the deal that reversed the position. Nobody asked to change identifier of transaction - we just need to change the comment.

3. Let us imagine that we trade not even 20 symbols, but 100-200. And there are at least 50-60 trades per day

Is it easier to change the comment, or dig through the history trying to understand why a certain trade was reversed a week ago (or even a month)?

Adding to a position (increasing its volume) doesn't change the position ID either, but the comment on the position is changed to the one set in the order for a fill order. How is a flip any worse?
In the past, this did not change either, until the good people asked for it. It's just that everyone has somehow forgotten about flips.