Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 3135

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

don't forget to get a supercomputer )

couldn't agree more

СанСаныч Фоменко #:

The whole history of mankind tells us that only man can find a pattern.

Today, greyhound writers attribute this ability to AI, which today works ONLY on extrapolation of historical data. That's at best. And usually AI is nothing more than a very fast search engine.

You are posing a qualitatively different problem: to create an AI analogue to a human one. If you realise that, then so be it.

daddy dolphin says to his son: "all dolphin history tells us that only dolphins are capable of finding the best school of fish using echolocation, all others use poor hints of our abilities" (c) Papa Dolphin.

here I am watching and smiling, wickedly)))

In one deal I took 1 in 4 in another 1 in 5.

I think it's OK, but the toad is choking me.)))

If you start catching the trend, you'll never catch it, if you stop catching it, it's right there...

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

You're late, I've already created one )) but only for forex or any time series

The data representation for different areas is different and the representation of patterns is different too, so it will be a mess.

I'm sorry.

I thought you were the smartest person here.

Please take me on as an apprentice



If you can, write a couple of lines from what you've already created.

Or not? Don't. A secret?

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:

Log rules are associative by nature. Of course, you can describe them, but you need some validator to determine the reliability of these rules.

This is the topic of transition from association to causality. I don't know such a matrix for log rules, though probably something similar to what is done through regression.

Do you think there is causality in history in the form of bars and returns from them? In the 1st, 7th or 39th bar. After all, splits will be made on them, as we just don't have anything else.
Reasons in news, decisions of governments, Central Bank, whales.
In returns not even associations, but only some hints that something started to happen.


How do you interpret such tapes?

Evgeni Gavrilovi #:

How do you interpret such tapes?

Strange attractor) can't you see?

Forester #:

Do you think there are reasons for the stories in the form of bars and retourns from them? In the 1st, 7th or 39th bar. Splits will be made on them, because we have nothing else.
Reasons in news, decisions of governments, Central Bank, whales.
In returns not even associations, but only some hints that something started to happen.

Asking the right question, and preferably in English.

Even on Google, one can get a sane, albeit not complete, answer.


The right question?

Explain what is strange? I know this topic of dimensionality reduction very superficially.
Evgeni Gavrilovi #:

How do you interpret such tapes?

it is probably an oscillator of some kind.

Actually what you have done, you decide for yourself why))))

Momentum oscillator