"Please specify the proxy server options" AWS Amazon VPS installation - page 2

Omega J Msigwa #: I have used Amazon vps lightsail for webhosting services, I never thought of running MT4 platform can you help me do the same thing, basically teach me how you were able to install the platform
Fernando Carreiro #: Install it first on your own PC then copy the files over and run it in portable mode.
Omega J Msigwa #: Install what? can you explain to me like a newbie that way I can clearly understand
I have the Same probleme on my Hyper-V VM (WIN 10)

If i want to install MetaTrader4 i got Message "proxy server options"

if i skip the installation will be skipt

how can i solve this problem

thank you
@stone1978 #: I have the Same probleme on my Hyper-V VM (WIN 10).  If i want to install MetaTrader4 i got Message "proxy server options". if i skip the installation will be skipt. how can i solve this problem
Read the entire thread again. The answer has already been given. In fact, it is even summarised and highlighted in the thread just before yours. Did you read it?
I too had this issue on my amazon vps , what I do to solve this problem was first I install the mt4 on my normal desktop then copy all those installed files and folders from program files  to the  program files of my vps then run it on vps  so you don't need to install it on vps 
Hello. Thank you so much for this. Worked like a charm.