How is this Total kindly check it, impossible


Picture is attach for my signal kindly check the percentage totaling this is mql

khalid khan:

Picture is attach for my signal kindly check the percentage totaling this is mql

-74%: you almost divide your account by 4

+289%: you almost multiply your account by 4

One after the other, they cancel out (I didn't run the exact numbers, but should be 0.98% as it says)

khalid khan:

Picture is attach for my signal kindly check the percentage totaling this is mql

How is the year-to-date growth (YTD) calculated, if a sum of monthly growths differs from this value?
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
  • 2013.02.20
Discover in 15 Minutes: Watch the Video about Trading Signals in MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 The most frequently asked questions related to the S...