Little HELP with Indicator Class - page 2

JeeyCi #:

if you mean this part of your code

perhaps try to see this

- I do not see the use of  pLimit in your member-method & the declaration of pBars & its source... (at a glance)...

but I still prefer shorter compilable example of the problem or at least attached source files - instead of such listings... of course shorter representation of the problem is better (it might help you even without us))...

p.s. though I use mq4 (therefore not promising to help you)

Thank again JeeyCi for taking time off to help me.

I will look into the article as suggested by you. Indicator bars optimization has always been a hard time for me as my background is not from programming. But I have great passion for it and always willing to learn new and better ways of doing things. That is what made me to jump into using OOP. I am finding it hard initially but as I learn, I can foresee many simpler ways to implement my Codes.

"but I still prefer shorter compilable example of the problem or at least attached source files - instead of such listings" ... ABOUT this I have already listed the complete code which is compliable in MQL5. In one of my posts earlier I have attached the files itself, and got a complain that he will not attempt to open a file where he does not know what is inside. So on forum different members look things differently, and it is impossible to please all.

You might find it little bit tricky if you are using MQL4, as indicators are handled differently in MQL5. It took great efforts on my side to change from MQL4 to MQL5, but once I have moved on there is no going back.