How to remove EA text from a chart?


So I've had this EA for a few months, which I haven't even been using but the text is burned into the chart. It was a freelance commission here. 

This doesn't show up in the objects list. Is there an easy way to get rid of this?

fix the code, its written in the code


For example: In Expert function with name: "OnDeinit(const int reason)" you need delete this objects, then after EA will be deattached - chart will be cleaned.


On the objects lists, click List All:

No, i mentioned that will be necessary to fix source code. I told about source code updating to solve issue with not deleted objects on chart.
Eh, thanks. I totally did it the lazy way by just wiping the chart completely and starting over. Not sure if that list all objects thing would've worked, but I would've needed something like that. Hopefully someone searching finds this thread helpful.