Cloud service installed 4 core services, but i have 8 cores.


I have AMD 8320 cpu, (8 cores), but mt5 strategy tester has only installed 4. How do I manually install the remainder services? I have seen webpage  MetaTester and Remote Agents - Algorithmic Trading, Trading Robots - MetaTrader 5 Help but when i install and then start them, they disappear after a few seconds. no errors in any logs.

"Due to the apparent lack of memory with an excessive number of agents and a decrease in the speed of calculations on hyper-threading cores, we decided to limit ourselves to only physical cores when working in cloud" - post #60

Some more:

and more limitations:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud

Sergey Golubev, 2017.09.20 06:49

And this is something which may be important for example:


MetaTrader 5 Help → MQL5 Cloud Network → How to Participate - Restrictions of Participation on MQL5 Cloud Network 

There are several limitations of participation on MQL5 Cloud Network:

  • An agent should have at least 768 MB of available physical memory to perform calculations.
  • To connect your agents to the MQL5 Cloud Network, the computer where the agents are installed must have at least 2048MB of RAM.
  • The agent's productivity index (PR) should not be less than 50.
  • Agents installed on a virtual machine cannot participate in MQL5 Cloud Network.
  • Agents having PR below 100 are not used in  genetic optimization in order not to slow down the calculation process. The reason is that the calculation is performed by generations (256 passes). While one generation is not calculated, calculation of the next one cannot start. Even if a single pass out of 256 ones is calculated by a low PR agent, the total calculation speed is reduced.
  • An agent will not be able to receive new tasks from the MQL5 Cloud Network if the free disk space on the computer where the agent is installed falls below 500MB.
  • Agents do not receive tasks from the cloud network in case the PC they are installed at is powered by a battery (it refers to laptops).

Price Calculation - MQL5 Cloud Network - MetaTrader 5 Help
Price Calculation - MQL5 Cloud Network - MetaTrader 5 Help
This section describes the formula of price calculation for providing and using the agents of the MQL5 Cloud Network. Tester agent productivity...
yes i do remember reading the first bit you mentioned about limiting to processing cores, however, I thought I read or understood it wrongly, since my vps has AMD Epyc cpu, 6 virtual cores, which are threads, and yet, i get paid for all 6 on my vps. But not first time there was an inconsistency in metaquotes documentation haha Thanks.
Sergey Golubev:
"Due to the apparent lack of memory with an excessive number of agents and a decrease in the speed of calculations on hyper-threading cores, we decided to limit ourselves to only physical cores when working in cloud" - post #60

I know that I can manually install 8 services, but will all 8 be sellable? or do i have to use the manager to be able to sell them?


As far as I know - the physical cores can be considered only.
Some more information is on those two small threads:

Types of computer server to use for local agent optimizations

Local Network farm Core and Thread


Because you told about 8 cores ... but it may be 4 cores are physical only.

Types of computer server to use for local agent optimizations
Types of computer server to use for local agent optimizations
  • 2020.06.08
General: Types of computer server to use for local agent optimizations