Frozen Money of Freelancer


Hello Friends

I have a problem with my last freelance job which has been finished from last two weeks. Normally the money unfroze after 7 days, but in my case it's still frozen even after two weeks.

I have tried to contact service desk but the reply is :

"The person that order the job has his financial operations blocked thus the payment is not released.

After he pass the verification ( we are already in communication with him ) then the money will be released."

Still there is no news after 7 days from the customer. So my question is what is my guilt to be affected from the customer actions, and if he not resolve his problem even after  year or more, what should I do?


Dear Admin/MetaQuotes! Please respond to this User's Thread!

Since it is a matter that us users cannot resolve and since you (the admin) have informed me not to suggest that they contact the Service Desk, then please take the opportunity to show us users that the admin actually do properly provide support to their users.