How to see Metaquotes past article history?



Going to

I tried to click on the Article's past history 

I get the following without any articles loading.  (Browser - Safari, Chrome, Edge)

Trader's profile

We can search for the article for example -

How to make a search on the forum/CodeBase/Articles/Market/Signals/Documentation

How can I search for indicators and other elements in this forum?
How can I search for indicators and other elements in this forum?
  • 2017.05.29
How can I search for indicators in this forum? I need the Hodrick Prescott Filter for MT4. Please, if anyone can help me, I thank you in advance...
Keith Long:

Going to

I tried to click on the Article's past history 

I get the following without any articles loading.  (Browser - Safari, Chrome, Edge)

It has been fixed.

Thank you. Verified fixed.