Trading 2 instruments @ same account. Margin problem


Hi there !

Can someone please give "best practices" on how to solve this problem!

If I run 2 instruments @ same account, how can I inform me EA to calculate the margin per instrument

I am using the folowing code but it is halting the system because it is adding all margins to my account

   if(AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN)>(contratos*margem)) // com posição selecionada, implementa mecanismos de segurança
      SendNotification("MARGEM MAXI");
      Alert("Atenção: limite de margem acionado (",AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN)," > ",(contratos*margem),")");

You must use the function SymbolInfoDouble

For example:

 double val1 = SymbolInfoDouble ( Symbol (), SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL );
 double val2 = SymbolInfoDouble ( Symbol (), SYMBOL_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE );
 double val3 = SymbolInfoDouble ( Symbol (), SYMBOL_MARGIN_LONG );
 double val4 = SymbolInfoDouble ( Symbol (), SYMBOL_MARGIN_SHORT );

You must use the function SymbolInfoDouble

For example:

Thank you !!

Marcelo Speaks!

or you can use the CSymbolInfo class, which provides access to all properties of the symbol you want, and CAccountInfo class , which provides access account properties.

Before creating objects of these classes, you must include the following libraries:

# Include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh>

# Include <Trade\AccountInfo.mqh>

For example:

CSymbolInfo symbolInfo;
CAccountInfo accountInfo;

symbolInfo.Name( Symbol ());





Fala Marcelo!

ou você pode utilizar a classe CSymbolInfo, que fornece acesso a todas as propriedades do símbolo que você desejar, e a classe CAccountInfo, que fornece acesso as propriedades da conta.

Antes de criar objetos dessas classes, você deve incluir as seguintes bibliotecas:

#include <Trade\SymbolInfo.mqh>

#include <Trade\AccountInfo.mqh>

Por exemplo:



Muito Obrigado ! [Thank you very much]
Muito Obrigado ! [Thank you very much]

I got your point but I still cannot figure out how to solve this problem.

If I am trading 2 instruments @ same account, how can I separate its margings.


5 WINM14 (margin per contract is 500)

5 WDOM14 (margin per contract is 700)

If I am simultaneouslly positioned on both, total margin will be 5*500 + 5*700 = 6000.

Lets suppose I have I problem with WINM14 and I have 10 contracts. Margin will be 10*500 = 5000 < 6000.

If I am not positioned with the other instrument, the system will not be able to decect :(

Any idea ?