Indicators: iMAX3 Fast Trend Detector


iMAX3 Fast Trend Detector:

A hybrid indicator where three selectable phase shifted filtered signals can be used, either indivually, or collectively to detect price trends.

Author: Wiley


Thanks for sharing


Good morning .

I prove your indicator and does he work fine but you can add alert signal on across line

much success Cibex


Thanks for sharing

Absolutely... the alert version is waiting to be published right now... so your alert version is on the way... and wait for my comments there after it is published, because I am going show all you nice folks a really neat trick to make it useful in trading manually.


Good morning .

I prove your indicator and does he work fine but you can add alert signal on across line

much success Cibex

I replied to the wrong person the last time... but I hope you can see my reply just fine... as is...

The iMAX3alert version has now been published, and you will find it in the last added... indicator section.  Since you are interested in an alert version... I just know you are going to like the iMAX3alert, because I think it will do a lot more for you than you expect of it right now... wait until you check out my comments there which are now posted as well, and you will find a really cool way to set up the iMAXalert indicator... that I have found to help me in my own trading... turning profit from dismal to very good... and I hope it works as well for you, and anyone else who tries it out...

Have fun my friends!


Hi, the indicator works fine!

Could you kindly explain how to set the external variables?

Thank you!

Hi Alberto...  yes I can do that.

In the parameters window on indicator startup you will see... starting with the first three parameters you can set...

"Select Mode";
iMAXmode = true;
hpMode     = false;
hpxMode    = false;

Select true or false for any or all modes... if you want all of them, set them all to true... if just one... set one to true, and the others to false.


Next three parameters...

"Display on chart";
iMAXPhases = true;
hpPhases    = false;
hpxPhases   = false;

Choose which phase pairs you wish to display on the chart... select one or all by choosing true of false for each...  If you disabled a mode in the first three parameters... then those phases will not display even if you select them, because the mode was disabled earlier.  This is done for the benefit of the kind of person that wants a mode to operate so they can read data from it by an EA or another indicator, but doesn't want the phases to be displayed on the chart.  But, I doubt that would apply in your case.

Next parameter:

"Amplitude shift for hp modes.";
"0.0 = Use internal presets.";
Ph1stepHPmodes = 0.0;

This is generally preset for you, but you can set a value, and it will change the amplitude of the phase 1 signals on modes hp and hpx... this might need to be done for certain securities that are vastly different in price than most others... such as the Japanese yen and the Mexican Peso.   That value if you manually enter it is going to be different for each timeframe for each of those securities... and I explain more about this in the iMAX3alert version also posted here at the codebase, and there are examples inside the code of that indicator that explain the values that can be set... so I would refer you to the other indicator if you feel you might to change this setting... so you read and study the code there.  Otherwise it is preset to zero for you... to use values set inside the indicator.  Now, here is a suggestion... if you have no idea what I am talking about... just run this indicator in iMAX mode, with hpMode, and hpxMode set to false in the very first set of parameters... and let the indicator run in it's universal mode... iMax mode 0... and leave it at that!

The last six parameters I would bet you understand those... but just in case... anyone else doesn't...

There are six color selections... There are three pairs of signals that can be displayed on the chart by this indicator... Two signals for each of three modes...  mode hpx... mode hp, and mode iMAX   and the colors are already set... you don't have to do anything.  But, if you want to change them you can.

The first pair of colors will set the colors for the hpx mode...

hpxPh1color = Lime;
hpxPh2color = HotPink;   

The next pair of colors will set the colors for the hp mode...

hpPh1color = White;
hpPh2color = Orange;

The last pair of colors will set the colors for iMAX mode 0.

iMAXph1color = Aqua;
iMAXph2color = Red;


Hi, I seem the indicator works fine!

Could you indicate how to set up the external variables?

Thank you!

I did once for you... what else?


Hi, I'm calling the indicator in this way:


I see that in the Expert Advisor page the indicator is initialized everty tick. Is it ok? Is there the possibility to avoid this?

Another issue: if I put the indicator on a M5 chart I see a mesasge in the upper corner: "only works on 1H timeframe". Is it correct?

Thank you!


Hi, I'm calling the indicator in this way:


I see that in the Expert Advisor page the indicator is initialized everty tick. Is it ok? Is there the possibility to avoid this?

Another issue: if I put the indicator on a M5 chart I see a mesasge in the upper corner: "only works on 1H timeframe". Is it correct?

Thank you!

Hi Alberto... 

Something appears to be amiss... iMAX3 does not generate any messages that say "only works on 1H timeframe" so this refers to a situation that is impossible for me to fathom.  I do not know what you are referring to about an "Expert Advisior" page so, it could be you have your forums crossed up here.  As far as modifying the indicator so it does not update on the tick... no, I would never alter the code to that end.. it defeats many good purposes for the indicator to process information every tick.  This also goes against my own statement that I would not make custom modifications to the submitted indicator.  However, this should not be an issue at all... when interfacing you can specify reading only the data for closed bars if you want... no need to redesign the indicator.

The indicator is a little more complicated for addressing the buffers... As a result of my work coding the MTF version of this indicator... I have decided to change the standard for the iMAX3 indicator.  The reasons for doing so are:  to include automatic processing of exceptional currencies the Mexican Peso, and Japanese Yen... to make the indicator even simpler for the benefit of all users.  To modify internal calcuations that will make iMAX3 truly MTF capable, which it is not, and never has been in previous versions of iMAX, until now.  And, to reassign the indicator buffers so that they can be more easily used in MTF display and other applications... I found that the current buffer assignments are backwards from what loops will efficiently process for certain applications.

All this means, is that in a day or two... if you can wait, I will be releasing two new iMAX3 applications...

The first will be the iMAX3ea to supersede this original submission of iMAX3.  Included in that release will be the exact method for properly accessing the indicator buffers as you are attempting to do now.  But, I can tell you right now that what are doing, will not access the buffers even in this version.  Since I am going to supersede this version, I don't want to encourage people to use it for interfacing, in favor of using the new version forthcoming.  But, I will fully explain everything that you will need to know to access the new iMAX3ea buffers, after it is released.  iMAX3ea is already coded, and I am just trying to recover from a terrible headache, then I will finish the presentation package which includes the technical documentation you will need.

The second release, will be the new iMAX3mtf application.  This gives a display of iMAX3 trends in all three modes in all timeframes, for the current open chart symbol, in a single complact display in a selectable corner of the chart.  Used in conjuction with the iMAX3alert applications I have already submitted here, these will form extremely useful and powerful tools for traders.

That is all for now... just give me a couple of days, and look for the iMAX3ea new submission here at MetaQuotes to use in your work.


Hi folks...

iMAX3 has been superseded by a newer more capable version, iMAX3ea.

However, I am unable to get the editor here for submissions to accept my attachments, and this has been going on for several days, so until that matter is resolved, the new version is simply unavailable here.

I encourage people not to download this version... even though it works, simply because I am no longer supporting it.

As to when the new version will be available... I cannot say... because I cannot upload using the editor here, and my discussion with Rosh about that seems to be stalled while I wait for further comments from him... I know he is very busy... so hopefully this matter will be resolved... eventually.

Meanwhile, I suggest, trying the iMAX3alert indicator which is available in the code base here, and it does everthing this indicator does and more... so try that out instead, if you think this indicator is interesting.

Maybe one other favor... don't post anything here... so people can see this message right up front...  because I won't replying to any further posts here anyway...

Thanks for the interest, and time everyone has given... and I wish you all the best of luck!


I tried to post more advanced applications for this type of indicator here, but they are only available in .ex4 format.

They would be the iMAX3ea interface version for the indicator, and iMAX3mtf a compact MTF display showing trends in all three modes in all timeframes in a single display.

Since .ex4 files are not available here... if anyone wants a copy of these indicators, PM me and I will send a free copy of the these indictors, and related documentation.