Scripts: A Script to Calculate MAE and MFE - page 2


I added script MAE_MFE_DrawDowns.mq4

i get this alert "Found errors of M1 gaps in available history, when checking account - 34. What to do?

need better data - supposed to be the shizzle:


Call me dumb but I tried to understand how you applied this but could not managed. Can you please kindly provide English version of the video?

Also does it work at for the result of strategy tester. How can i apply it?

Thanks in advance for your help. It will really help me.

This should be removed really as it's pretty much a waste of space
Mike Kleinsteuber: This should be removed really as it's pretty much a waste of space

What do you mean? The script works just fine and serves as a code sample for other coders to use the calculations in their own programs.

I gave you instruction on how to use it in your own thread. Please read it and try it!

Can someone pls help me. So i would do my backtest  vsial mode than drop the script onto the chat after its done? I tried these and nothing happened.
How do I use this? Any instructions?