How to pass data (mostly strings) from MQL4 to C# DLL


I would like to ask how to pass some kind of data, like string to my C# dll. This questions has been answered for C++: How to pass argument by reference from MQL4 to C++ DLL

However in my case I want my C# code to get this value from mql4 and then do something with it (so all this while in the C# code).

Here is my attempt:

My C# DLL:

void TestFunction(int x)


 // Do something with x after having received it


MQL Code:

#import "Test.dll"

void TestFunction(int);


void OnStart()


int a = 6;



It's probably a similar approach, but is this still the best way to go, and could someone provide a minimum example of doing this in C#?


Please use the </> button to insert your code.

Eleni Anna Branou:

Please use the </> button to insert your code.

Done, thanks for pointing out.


Check if this helps.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Crash when string is passed to a C++ DLL function

Goldbach, 2009.10.29 04:33

I correct this issue by adding __stdcall in my export funtion.

Thanks a lot!!!!!

Alain Verleyen:

Check if this helps.

Thanks for the link, I check out, but this is C++, and I don't know how different it is to do this from C#.

BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule,DWORD ul_reason_for_call,LPVOID lpReserved)
        case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:
        case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:
        case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:
        case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:
//|                                                                  |
MT4_EXPFUNC void __stdcall EALOG_WriteLine(char *str)
        MessageBoxA(NULL, str, "", MB_OK);

For example I'm not sure how this EALOG_WriteLine function (which is the one being called) would translate for a C# dll.