Global Variables


Hello, I have an EA and a Indicator, running at the same time, Why do not take the Global variable the 2 value in the Expert. Both programs are under #property strict with the Expert within a loop OnTick, and the Indicator into OnCalculate.


double GV_Ind;
Print(" Global Variable GV_Ind= ",GlobalVariableGet(GV_Ind));


double GV_Ind=1;

Thak you very much.

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  2. Don't post code that doesn't compile. Perhaps you should read the manual.
    Your code
    double GV_Ind;

       string  name      // Global variable name
    // or
    bool  GlobalVariableGet(
       string  name,      // Global variable name
       double& double_var // This variable will contain the value of the global variable

Thank you sir!
But it continues without change the value in the Expert.

Yes, there are two GV_Ind, one the GV_Ind variable (0 value) of program and the GlobalVariableGet(GV_Ind) (2 value).

Ok, doesn't matter at all.

Piti12: Ok, doesn't matter at all.

You missed the point completely. You get or set a global variable and they have a name. The double GV_Ind is not a name.