Change value and comma



I need help how to change a source code.

I have Cent acount in MT4  

Indicator show - 870 $ but correct valuet should by - 0,870 $.

I will be grateful for your help.



Please correct line 135 as follows. I have not confirmed the operation on my PC but perhaps this is fine.

Although it is a program with many problems, I ignored it.

 //ObjectSetText("lpm_value",sign(valueL + valueS)+DoubleToStr(MathAbs(valueL + valueS),0)+" $ ");//zmiana zer po przecinku
   ObjectSetText ( "lpm_value" ,sign(valueL + valueS)+ DoubleToStr (( MathAbs (valueL + valueS))/ 1000.0 , 3 )+ " $ " );
Naguisa Unada:

Please correct line 135 as follows. I have not confirmed the operation on my PC but perhaps this is fine.

Although it is a program with many problems, I ignored it.

thank you so much

Best regards
