The London Open - page 155

Hi Dan Thanks for another great week, charts have been tricky but still good fun in the room. Still waiting for the breakfast order to be filled though, I must say the delivery service is terrible. You would make a rubbish waiter. (Psssst - it's RS these days, remember? The pesky Administrator nicked my name here so I had to change it. Mind you, I'm not proud, I answer to most things). Poor old Dan, thinking of your choccy easter eggs or did the hairy chest throw you off your train of thought. Unless of course there is another Scorpion in the house, in which case it's definitely handbags at dawn. (Sorry Mr Scorpion oh most fabulous Administrator of FXFisherman in the world). Have a great Easter everyone. Scorpion/RS yeah, whatever PS My smiley avator is my on-line trading buddy making a special guest Easter appearance.

Hi S (RS) how you diddling - Love the new image - think I need to work on my sultry and moist look too. Hope all well for you. Got only one tiny trade and I am short EURGBP from 0.9403 with original s/l at 0.9500 (but now at b/e). Target 0.8800. Going to sit and be patient as me thinks Euro is in trouble as it Eurozone.

Chocolate Faced Rockie


Afternoon all

What a weekend...Been to the beach everyday with the family.

Just got back from Tarifa and now exhausted but ready for action tom am. Going to take up kite surfing and be a beach bum again!

See you at 6.30am... Cant wait!!!


PS Hi Rock. Hope all is well. I have same position...Look for it to remain under the MP.

Hi S (RS) how you diddling - Love the new image - think I need to work on my sultry and moist look too. Hope all well for you. Got only one tiny trade and I am short EURGBP from 0.9403 with original s/l at 0.9500 (but now at b/e). Target 0.8800. Going to sit and be patient as me thinks Euro is in trouble as it Eurozone. Chocolate Faced Rockie

Chocky Rocky!

Hi dude. Diddling just fine and dandy, so good to hear from you. Miss you loads.

Oh that pic, you know me, sultry sexy chick, can't help it. Moist - now there's a word!

Should have gone long on EURUSD today, I got some pips on EURs and GBPs but only on demo. Still good practice though.

I wish you would come back to trading full time but still great to hear from you and hope all is well in the boardroom, not harassing those secretaries in their power suits I hope.

Have you seen that advert for some Japanese chocolate sticks (can't remember their name). Ok, bear with me. Some Japanese business man dude in the office has got his choccy sticks stashed in the storeroom on the shelf above the photocopier. He sneaks in and eats some then goes out.

His secretary goes in to eat some but can't quite reach so she climbs on the photocopier, legs splayed, reaches for the choccy sticks and her foot hits the copy button just as the boss walks back in.

Well, it made me laugh, but I have got a warped sense of humour.

That's more than enough nortiness from me.

Love you and leave you Rock. Say hi again soon.

Easter chick RS


Afternoon allWhat a weekend...Been to the beach everyday with the family.Just got back from Tarifa and now exhausted but ready for action tom am. Going to take up kite surfing and be a beach bum again!See you at 6.30am... Cant wait!!!DPS Hi Rock. Hope all is well. I have same position...Look for it to remain under the MP.

Beach bum - again?

Have you been a beach bum before Dan?

Glad you had a fab weekend, it's been lovely here too.



Have been patient today after a long weekend...

A lot of thoughts going on in my head about GBP and EUR and trying not to let them affect my judgement.

If Indices keep strong we will see a weak USD so keeping an eye on WS future as a guide to any $ trade.

Big figures out at 1.30pm and waiting for my 123s to kick in.




Hey Warpy - yes seen the advert - my assistant would look interesting in the copier legs akimbo. Do they do a reinforced version though!! Toughend glass and concrete floor. Boardroom good fun but not a patch on the daily antics of a forex trader. Back to it.....

Xerox Rockie



Quiet day for me...Shorted CABLE with a tight stop above resistance at 1.4964

Looking at 4hr chart the pullback should be on at some time soon. Will leave this and take a look at it again when i get home. If it doesnt work out then so be it but fancied a little go for 40 ish pips..

Market is a little lost me feels...

See u tom




Ok just got home.

Pleased to see 1st target hit at the 60min 20ma. Will hold balance for now in CABLE. Its a free trade and see how this progresses over the next few hours.




Not going to run this overnight... Closed 2nd half in CABLE for a few pips.


Hey Warpy - yes seen the advert - my assistant would look interesting in the copier legs akimbo. Do they do a reinforced version though!! Toughend glass and concrete floor. Boardroom good fun but not a patch on the daily antics of a forex trader. Back to it.....Xerox Rockie

Hi Rockie

Oooooh, I'm sure your assistant is lovely you rotter(weiler) you!

Glad you are enjoying the boardroom, even gladdderrerer that you've seen the advert hee hee. I just wannabe a trader.

See ya, or as my mate Sheila says, Adidas amigoes! (She's a Brummie)

Rock's chick RS