Is there Hedge Expert ?


Is there such expert to make trades with hedge like this image


That's strange. Why does an order hedge the other at the same price, same time?

Let's discuss how you can make money from this.


Yes, Sure ..

If you could see my trades ..

Some currency's yes and some no ,, all i need to do to enter the in expert the change between the buy and sell would be helping ..

I'll share the trades i have done to you.

The idea is 4 trades :

1 buy stop

2 sell limit

3 sell stop

4 buy limit

1 & 2 : for buy stop & sell limit now price ( Number ) + 20 points up or what ever option user choose number go up.

3 & 4 : for sell stop & buy limit now price ( Number ) - 20 points up or what ever option user choose number go up.

Thats the idea for the idea same currency

Of course may add trailing stop as 15 PIP for fast reversal ..

and if someone help me with this i can add more ideas and options to it to make it more profitable.

No Indicators or anything else required.