Request for a clear, rewarded and professional beta channel for MT4 and MT5. - page 2

I constantly work in MetaTrader 5. Possibly, I even am in number of the first - those who report to the first about the found mistakes.
But if there is a closed channel for beta testing - I with great pleasure will participate there.
Juan Fernandez:
You can wait in a chair. MT software development is knowed for be erratic. I think is a problem with developer team manager...
Iron Fist:

As long as brokers dont lose money is all good LOL ,majority of traders lose tons of money with or without buggy mt4/5 so i dont  see any good change on all this very soon just to put traders in a more safe place.

I am not interested at all in such negative and useless comments. What we need is positive and constructive proposals and solutions. Metaquotes is not that a big company, I can understand very well they are using public beta-testers from the community, it's a way to get free help when you don't have such a big budget.

However if they want to grow up and succeed with MT5, on stocks, futures and options market, they will need more professionalism. With the actual system, they will not attract more professional  coders and traders. If things are not improving on stability and reliability of release builds, I could have to completely change my plans and I am surely not alone. When you are doing a 500 USD job and you have to lost 1, 2 days due to MT4/MT5 bugs hunting, it could quickly become unmanageable.

Anyway, please all propose solutions, we know enough about what the problem is.

Alain Verleyen:

Why I am saying all of that ? Because I want to be clear my post is a constructive one. I am not happy with recent builds and how Metaquotes deal with new platform releases. 

  hey alain...... occasionally unhappy myself...... voiced it only once..... you used the term "constructive" back then also...... wish you best of luck with your  official beta channel .....  sure seems like it would be of value.....h

New MetaTrader 4 Platform Build 500: Trading from Chart and Company's Web Site in the Client Terminal
New MetaTrader 4 Platform Build 500: Trading from Chart and Company's Web Site in the Client Terminal
  • 2013.06.06
New MetaTrader 4 platform build 500 has been released The build adds new features to MetaTrader 4 trading platform: Managing trading levels from ch...
Michele Lazzarini:

Best wishes for your request Alain.

I think there would be more hope if this request come from some real client *paying* MetaQuotes product/services.

Traders get MT platform totally free................................................................

This is not true.

MT4/MT5 is a subscription cost of broker balance sheet.

A cost, for broker business, has to be compensate from earnings.

Earning comes from traders.

So without earnings comes from traders there is no cost, there is no balance sheet, there is no broker, there is no subscription.

So, at last, traders pay MetaQuotes.


I fully support your post !


Hi all,

I am getting more and more frustrated by this automatic update system :

  • It is now completely bypassing the UAC. When an update is ready to be applied, you get a confirmation box from UAC. Answer "No" and still the update is applied. Ticket : Open, Start: 2017.05.23 13:45, #1753083
  • And a new one, we can receive beta update from a real broker (Alpari in my case), I have a working station where I never connect to Metaquotes-Demo server, and still I got an update (build 1629). Ticket : Unapproved, Start: 2017.07.21 10:59, #1802259

EDIT: Answer from ServiceDesk.

AV: Are you saying that a broker can push a beta version ?

SD: We recommend you to contact your broker, as we know nothing about the trade server's settings of your broker.

So yes brokers can push beta versions. What a hell !!!

Hi guys!

Just ended up on this thread since my MetaTrader just got updated as Alain commented bypassing the UAC. I was never asked to update and when I got to my server it was already on build 1641 and now I can't select orders from history using HistoryOrderSelect(). I have halted my EAs and notified my broker. It cost me at least one trading day.

The beta testing enhancement suggested would be amazing. But only to be able to choose when to update the platform would be already remarkable. If it was possible to turn off automatic updates we could test new versions on a contained environment (backtesting and demo accounts) and only update real accounts when we are sure everything is Ok with our EAs.



Rodrigo Silva Cosme:

Hi guys!

Just ended up on this thread since my MetaTrader just got updated as Alain commented bypassing the UAC. I was never asked to update and when I got to my server it was already on build 1641 and now I can't select orders from history using HistoryOrderSelect(). I have halted my EAs and notified my broker. It cost me at least one trading day.

The beta testing enhancement suggested would be amazing. But only to be able to choose when to update the platform would be already remarkable. If it was possible to turn off automatic updates we could test new versions on a contained environment (backtesting and demo accounts) and only update real accounts when we are sure everything is Ok with our EAs.



I asked to ServiceDesk in my open ticket :

You should consider a restricted access to a beta channel for people who know and agree to be beta tester.

and the answer was :

Thank you for suggestion, but we don't think so. MetaQuotes-Demo server is the test server available for everyone.

So I am afraid we will have to deal with this "system" for a long time.

EDIT: By the way, this UAC system is just a joke if software editors can bypass it as they want.

Maybe they misunderstood that you was trying to say "Prevent people from losing their capital, because robots / functions stop working" due to the forced untested updates.

EDIT: By the way Windows has always been just a joke.

I think Marco is right. They have misunderstand. This is a serious liability and has nothing to do with the MQ demo server.

I find it remarkable this thread has not gone viral. Seems like most don't care. If this is truly the case I can understand MetaQuotes wil have no incentive to adress the issue.

Rule #1 in forex is to minimize or if possible exclude risk. Running Beta versions in production environment is bad, very bad practice. I don't think there would be any debate about this. At the moment the only way to exclude this risk, is to not use MetaTrader