Supply and Demand trading


Result Commentary GBPAUD - closed 10 September 2016

An excellent trade that produced more than a 4:1 reward ratio, despite lacking entry precision. The market managed to reach deep into the level (possibly due to the minor last-moment supply speed-bump that was created just above our level while price was returning to it), but then reversed sharply and kept running in our favor until the end of the week. Cutting the upper wicks tightened our entry and improved our reward ratio and final profit, but the minor supply speed-bump was a reason to take some small early partial profit out of the market in case it proved to be stronger than expected. Overall the trade exceeded our expectations by producing such a large move in just around 1.5 days.

Signal Details:

Published to subscribers: 2016-09-03, 16:06 UTC
Supply / Demand: Demand
Natural timeframe: 4H
Likely market reaction (Bounce / Normal): Bounce / Normal, continuation
Upper level boundary with wicks: 1.7322 (preferred), or 1.7343 (includes 1H wicks)
Lower level boundary with wicks: 1.7260
Level visible on chart near (UTC): 2016-08-29 8PM UTC

Original Signal Screenshot: GBPAUD 4H


Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 349
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 180 to 260
Overall trade performance: Excellent

Result screenshot: GBPAUD 4H

Result Commentary GBPAUD - closed 14 September 2016

We got a nice bounce with a precise entry just above our Demand level. The very thin level allowed us to achieve a high reward ratio without requiring a larger move, so overall this was a very good trade for a simple bounce setup.

Signal Details:

Published to subscribers: 2016-08-04, 18:45 UTC
Supply / Demand: Demand
Natural timeframe: 4H
Likely market reaction (Bounce / Normal): Bounce
Upper level boundary with wicks: 0.7371
Lower level boundary with wicks: 0.7346
Level visible on chart near (UTC): 2016-08-02 8PM UTC

Original Signal Screenshot:  CADCHF  4H


Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 67
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 30 to 50
Overall trade performance: Good (bounce)

Result screenshot: CADCHF 1H 



Result Commentary GBPAUD - closed 14 September 2016

A good trade overall, although not without some minor difficulties. Our entry was precise and the trade was profitable quickly, but the market left some Supply behind while approaching to the level. This is can be seen as a mini-reversal from area A back to the level (when price reached the recent lows on the left of area A). Taking some partial profit there was generally a good idea, while if you moved your stop for the remaining position to break-even and got taken out during this retracement, it wasn't necessarily a mistake. Judging after the fact we can also see that if we had chosen to cut the upper wicks we would have gotten a slightly better entry while also skipping the mini-reversal, but there was no way to know this in advance. Finally, even with the Supply above invalidated, there was no reason to hold a position during the interest rates announcement that was approaching as our Demand level had also been used by that point.

Signal Details:

Published to subscribers: 2016-09-03, 15:39 UTC
Supply / Demand: Demand
Natural timeframe: 4H
Likely market reaction (Bounce / Normal): Bounce / Normal, continuation
Upper level boundary with wicks: 1.3158
Lower level boundary without wicks: 1.3120
Level visible on chart near (UTC): 2016-08-31 8PM UTC

Original Signal Screenshot:  GBPUSD 4H

suply and demand forex signal


Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 138
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 40 to 80
Overall trade performance: Good

Result screenshot: GBPUSD 4H 

supply and demand forex signal result

For active signals and educational articles visit us at


Result Commentary GBPAUD - closed 21 September 2016

We have closed our EURUSD trade ahead of the interest rates announcement (USD) in order to take our profit off the table and avoid the unnecessary volatility. Our entry for this continuation trade was quite precise which means our trade was profitable right from the start. The market retraced back to our Supply level soon after it opened and then reversed as expected and continued the initial move downwards. The reaction produced by the level has already achieved a good reward ratio (for a bounce trade), so we prefer to secure this profit before the announcement.

Signal Details:

Published to subscribers: 2016-09-19, 10:14 UTC
Supply / Demand: Supply
Natural timeframe: 4H
Likely market reaction (Bounce / Normal): Bounce / Normal, continuation
Upper level boundary without wicks: 1.1254
Lower level boundary with wicks: 1.1212
Level visible on chart near (UTC): 2016-09-15 4PM UTC

Original Signal Screenshot:  EURUSD 4H


Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 91
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 50 to 70
Overall trade performance: Good (bounce)

Result screenshot: EURUSD 4H 



This week we had 4 good trades, 1 below average (still positive outcome), and 1 which ended the week near the level and is pending a re-entry next week.

It is important to understand that we identified and published all these Supply/Demand imbalance levels much in advance (days or even weeks before price returned), then we waited for price to return to the imbalance level and obtained our low-risk high-probability trade entries. All these entries had something in common, they took the opposite side of novice traders that were making an important mistake: they were selling just above a Demand level or Buying just below a Supply level. As Supply and Demand traders, we were waiting for price to reach these pre-identified imbalance levels and took the other side of these novice trades. We bought just above Demand, or Sold just below Supply.

Please visit the result commentary section for all past signal details, and your Signal Panel in order to view which levels are currently active (waiting for price to return). On average we have 3 to 5 of these levels triggered per week.

Result screenshot: EURNZD 4H
Signal ID: signal-2016-09-25-16-03-eurnzd
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 163
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 70 to 100
Overall trade performance: Good

Result screenshot: EURCAD 4H
Signal ID: signal-2016-09-25-16-24-eurcad
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 146
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 60 to 90
Overall trade performance: Good

Result screenshot: NZDCAD 1H (Zoom into details)
Signal ID: signal-2016-09-29-12-53-nzdcad
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 50
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 20 to 35
Overall trade performance: Below average

Result screenshot: EURJPY 1H (Zoom into details)
Signal ID: signal-2016-09-29-08-39-eurjpy
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 113
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 60 to 80
Overall trade performance: Good

Original Signal Screenshot: AUDCAD 1D (Pending re-entry)
Signal ID: signal-2016-09-28-13-37-audcad
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): ***PENDING***
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): ***PENDING***
Overall trade performance: ***PENDING***

Result screenshot: CADJPY 4H
Signal ID: signal-2016-09-29-09-02-cadjpy
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 105
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 70 to 90
Overall trade performance: Good

a) The "pips made available from theoretical best entry" is only applicable to those that do NOT use pending limit orders for their entries and prefer to manually enter the trade, either near the level or within its boundaries. This can sometimes provide better entries but other times it could cause opportunities to be missed. It is only advisable for the more experienced traders.

b) The "realistic likely result" is the average result that we expect most traders to have obtained from this setup/signal. Compare your outcome to this in order to see if you can improve your exit timing.

If you are new to this concept and need our help to get started, please get in touch.

Trade review - AUDUSD (2016-10-14)
In trading it is important not only to learn from our mistakes, but also to know exactly what we did right when we got our big wins. This way we can focus on repeating our success in the future. This review is meant as a reminder of our strategies and trading principles, and although it is not a replacement for the educational material on our website, it might help explain how an actual recent trade worked.

Trade details for AUDUSD
Orders placed: 10 Oct 2016, regarding a Demand level created on 16 Sept 2016
Trade entry triggered 13 Oct 2016
"Set & Forget" target hit: within a few hours. (Standard reward ratio 1:1, always position-sized properly).
"Advanced Manual Trading" result: 90 to 120 pips (out of 140). Reward ratio: more than 3:1.

Lets start by looking at the original level screenshot (AUDUSD 2H):

The above Demand level was created on Sept 16 (break-out on Sept 18), and initiated a move that reached its top on Sept 29, almost two weeks later. The strength of the break-out (after the "drop-base-rally" formation) suggests there is a Supply/Demand imbalance within the level (between the grey lines). The large distance to the top confirms this and also gives the level a good placement as seen in the "big picture", i.e. the larger timeframes.

So by this point we have already identified a level which shows signs of Supply/Demand imbalance, and we can see that it also has an acceptable placement within the bigger picture, i.e. it is placed low for a Demand level, or high for a Supply level, as compared to the recent past. If price is already on the way back to the level, we also check for possible opposing levels (in order to confirm that our profit margin is viable). We are now ready to mark this level as valid for a future trade (whenever price returns to the level for the first time). We only trade the first return of price because that's when the Supply/Demand imbalance is at its highest point. If a level has been touched by price before, then it has been used and should be considered invalid.

So, lets fast forward to Oct 10, that's the date the Signal was published. At that point we couldn't have known when our entry would be triggered. We just placed our pending orders (or set a reminder on our platform to remind us whenever price gets closer). In this case it happened that our entry got triggered 3 days after the Signal was published, but it could have been 3 weeks later, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we had our pending orders (or even better/safer just the reminders) in place in order to catch the trade when the market returns to the imbalance level.

Here is what happened on Oct 13, the day we got our entry:

The green horizontal line represents our entry price, which in this case was set about 15 pips in front of the actual level. Let's ignore the fact that price barely touched our entry and then reversed immediately, it might sound awesome but it could have also caused a missed entry, so remember that we try to give the market some wiggle room when we can (and that's exactly what saved us from a missed entry here).

Now to the main point:

Ok, so we bought above a level that indicates Demand exceeds Supply, in a well-placed area in the big picture. But who did we buy from? Who would be selling above such a Demand level? Only a novice trader would sell right above a level where Demand exceeds Supply, and that's exactly who we bought from. The novice trader(s) selling to us in the green circle (screenshot) were probably selling out of emotion due to the sharp drop, or due to their indicators and oscillators flashing red, or due to any other equally arbitrary tool. In doesn't matter which of the countless tools they were using, it only matters that they couldn't identify potential Supply/Demand imbalances on their charts. This level was visible on the charts for almost an entire month before price actually returned back to it, and it required absolutely no special tools to identify! Some of our currently active levels have been created many months ago and price still has not managed to return back to the imbalance level. When it does, we will gladly take the trade, and we will need no indicators or oscillators to do that.

So do these levels work 100% of the time? Of course not, nothing does. But they work with enough consistency for us to make a profit out of Forex and that's what matters.

Even for our basic "Set & Forget" strategy which uses "easy" reward targets (1:1), we only need an above 50% win ratio in order to make a profit. But that's just the minimum. The higher the win ratio, the better the performance obviously. And don't be fooled by the low 1:1 reward ratio. Reward ratios only mean something in combination with a win ratio. For example, not even a 10:1 reward ratio can save you if you only win 1 out of 11 trades. But if you win 6 out 11 trades (i.e. above 50%), then you can make profit even with a 1:1 reward ratio. So these go hand-in-hand, and although high reward ratios are generally good, they are only effective when combined with an appropriate win ratio.

But remember this crucial point: we always position-size our trades properly. This means that ALL our trades risk the SAME account percentage regardless of the number of pips between our entry and our stop. We risk the same account percentage whether we trade a 30 pip level or a 100 pip level, by adjusting (position-sizing) the amount we trade depending on the number of pips required by the setup. This is even more important for the "Set & Forget" trades in order to monitor your performance accurately.

Also, if you don't use position-sizing, then you could win more than 50% of the trades and still lose money. Just imagine that your thicker setups (requiring more pips) happened to lose, while your thinner setups (requiring fewer pips) happened to win. What's the point of winning if you still manage to lose money? With proper position-sizing you could even be negative in pips and still be positive in profit, as long as your win ratio is acceptable. Of course we always aim to be positive both in pips and in profit. So keep in mind that you will not find ANY true professional who doesn't use some sort of position-sizing, and there is a reason for that.

Now as far as the "Advanced Manual Trading" method commentary is concerned (which is where the trade received its "golden" award), the main reasons for giving this trade a distinction were:

a) Great reward ratio, in this case above 3:1, much further than the "Set & Forget" target. The thin level helped improve the ratio.
b) Accuracy of entry (optimal entry, while price did not even get close to our stop order on the other side of the level)
c) The way the trade unfolded: relatively easy and straight-forward trade, no major complications along the way.

We hope you enjoyed the review and found the material informative.
From the EnhancerSignals team

Periodic Overview of Results (2016-10-09 to 2016-10-16)
Targets Hit: 4 out of 4
Stops Hit: 0

It is important to understand that we identified all these Supply/Demand imbalance levels much in advance (days or even weeks before price returned), then we waited for price to return to the imbalance level to obtain our trade entries.
All these entries had something in common: we either bought above a Demand level or we sold below a Supply level. This allows us to obtain low-risk entries and to achieve an above average win-ratio.

We usually have 4 to 5 of these levels triggered per week, sometimes more.

signal-2016-10-10-17-14-cadjpy / Screenshot CADJPY 4H
"Set & Forget" result: TARGET HIT (1:1 Reward ratio, position-sized as always)

The level worked as defined with the wicks cut, which means we could have obtained a slightly better entry. Despite that, our entry just above the Demand level worked great and the Set & Forget target was hit easily and quite fast. Regarding the Advanced Manual Trading, the performance was quite similar unless you managed to get a better entry within the level, in which case your profit would have been about 2x due to the proper position-sizing.

"Advanced Manual Trading" results
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 115
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 50 to 70
Overall trade performance: Good

signal-2016-10-12-09-28-gbpusd / Screenshot GBPUSD 1H
"Set & Forget" result: TARGET HIT (1:1 Reward ratio, position-sized as always)

One more very precise entry just above our Demand level. The trade was in profit from the first moments and it hit the "Set & Forget" target very fast. The Advanced Manual Trading performed even better by extending the move almost to twice the distance. Overall a very good trade due to the precision of our entry as well as the final reward ratio.

"Advanced Manual Trading" results 
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 139
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 70 to 100
Overall trade performance: Very good

signal-2016-08-03-21-36-eurusd / Screenshot EURUSD 4H
"Set & Forget" result: TARGET HIT (1:1 Reward ratio, position-sized as always)

A precise entry just above our Demand level that almost hit the "Set & Forget" target with a spike in our favor (area A). The market retraced back to the Demand level before moving up again to actually hit our target. The Advanced Manual Trading performance was quite similar unless you managed to get a tighter entry within the level, in which case you achieved a much higher reward ratio.

​"Advanced Manual Trading" results
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 73
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 40 to 50
Overall trade performance: Average

signal-2016-10-10-18-04-audusd / Screenshot AUDUSD 2H
"Set & Forget" result: TARGET HIT (1:1 Reward ratio, position-sized as always) ​

This trade achieved a great reward ratio for those using the "Advanced Manual Trading" method, exceeding 3:1. The "Set & Forget" target was also hit very easily and quickly, so this trade performed very well on all fronts. What makes this trade stand out is the extreme precision of our entry, literally within a pip of the reversal point. Please have in mind that this did NOT happen by design, i.e. we always aim to give the market a few pips wiggle room (error margin) in case it turns a bit early, which is exactly what happened here. The market turned slightly early (which shows the degree of Supply/Demand imbalance in our level), and we were lucky enough that price touched our entry (green line) and we didn't miss the trade. Sometimes we aim for an entry much closer to the actual level (gray line) but this can also cause missed entries occasionally. But what is even more important to realize, is that we identified the Demand level and sent the Signal at least 4 days before price returned to the level. We identified the level and sent the Signal on 10 OCT, we placed our pending orders for an entry, and then we waited for price to return. The market reaction when price returned can be seen in the result screenshot.

​"Advanced Manual Trading" results
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 140
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 90 to 120
Overall trade performance: Excellent

We hope you enjoyed the reviews and found the material informative.
From the EnhancerSignals team
Golden trade review - EURAUD (closed 2016-10-28)

Intro note:
In trading it is important not only to learn from our mistakes, but also to know exactly what we did right when we got our big wins. This way we can focus on repeating our success in the future. This review is meant as a reminder of our strategies and trading principles. 

Trade details for EURAUD (signal-2016-04-21-14-35-euraud):
Trade entry triggered 26 Oct 2016
"Set & Forget" target hit: within a few hours. (Standard reward ratio 1:1, always position-sized properly).
"Advanced Manual Trading" result: 190 to 280 pips (out of 358). Reward ratio: more than 4:1.

Let’s start by looking at the original screenshot (EURAUD 8H):

The above Demand level was created on May 27, 2015 (it could be seen on the charts for more than 1.5 years!), and initiated a move that reached its top on June 09, 2015, almost two weeks later. This does NOT mean we were actively waiting for when the level will be triggered, it just means that when we saw price approaching it we knew we could use it to obtain a low-risk, high-probability trade. This means we placed our pending orders a few days before price reached the level and we enjoyed a professional-grade trade as a result.
We maintain a large Panel containing all such identified levels so that we can trade them whenever price returns to those levels. Sometimes price returns back to the level within a day or two, while some other times it can take months. So, we don't keep all the orders in the platform, only the ones that are about to be triggered (i.e. for levels that are being approached by price).
This specific trade was special not only for its great precision, excellent reward ratio, and even the simplicity of move (rising for 3 straight days), but also for another reason: the level that triggered this large move could be seen and identified on the charts for more than 1.5 years. Yes, a Supply/Demand imbalance left its traces on the chart a long time ago, and we were able to profit as result much later. But how did this happen? Where there some Buy orders still waiting patiently there to be filled for all this time? Definitely NOT. No one keeps orders in the market for so long. As explained in the Free educational material on the website, what creates the move is NEW institutional orders trading an OLD imbalance level. Supply and Demand traders around the world (from banks, brokers, institutions, large companies etc) can all see and identify an old level of imbalance, and as you guessed, they gladly trade the level when the time comes. The masses are going one way (using indicators and oscillators or whatever else these days), while professional traders go the other way by looking at pure Supply and Demand.
In the above screenshot, the level is a rally-base-rally formation with a strong break-out, suggesting there is a Supply/Demand imbalance within the level (between the grey lines). The large distance to the top confirms this and also gives the level a good placement as seen in the "big picture", i.e. the larger timeframes.

So by this point we have already identified a level which shows signs of Supply/Demand imbalance, and we can see that it also has an acceptable placement within the bigger picture, i.e. it is placed low for a Demand level, or high for a Supply level, as compared to the recent past. If price is already on the way back to the level we also check for possible opposing levels (in order to confirm that our profit margin is viable). We are now ready to mark this level as valid for a future trade (whenever price returns to the level for the first time). We only trade the first return of price because that's when the Supply/Demand imbalance is at its highest point. If a level has been touched by price before, then it has been used and should be considered invalid.

So, lets fast forward to Oct 26, that's the day we got our entry.
Screenshot EURAUD 1H on 2016-10-28 (3 days after our entry):

The green circle represents our entry just above the pre-identified Demand level.

Now to the main point, which is similar to our previous trade reviews:

Ok, so we bought above a level that indicates Demand exceeds Supply, in a well-placed area in the big picture. But who did we buy from? Who would be selling above such a Demand level? Only a novice trader would sell right above a level where Demand exceeds Supply, and that's exactly who we bought from. The novice trader(s) selling to us in the green circle (screenshot) were probably selling out of emotion due to the sharp drop, or due to their indicators and oscillators flashing red, or due to any other equally arbitrary tool. In doesn't matter which of the countless tools they were using, it only matters that they couldn't identify potential Supply/Demand imbalances on their charts. This level was visible on the charts for almost a year and a half before price actually returned back to it, and it required absolutely no special tools to identify! Some of our currently active levels have been created many months ago and price still has not managed to return back to the imbalance level. When it does, we will gladly take the trade, and we will need no indicators or oscillators to do that.

So do these levels work 100% of the time? Of course not, nothing does. But they work with enough consistency for us to make a profit out of Forex and that's what matters.

Even for our basic "Set & Forget" strategy which uses "easy" reward targets (1:1), we only need an above 50% win ratio in order to make a profit. But that's just the minimum. The higher the win ratio, the better the performance obviously, and our Win-Ratios are significantly higher than that. And don't be fooled by the low 1:1 reward ratio. Reward ratios only mean something in combination with a win ratio. For example, not even a 10:1 reward ratio can save you if you only win 1 out of 11 trades. But if you win 6 out 11 trades (i.e. above 50%), then you can make profit even with a 1:1 reward ratio. So these go hand-in-hand, and although high reward ratios are generally good, they are only effective when combined with an appropriate win ratio.

But remember this crucial point: we always position-size our trades properly. This means that ALL our trades risk the SAME account percentage regardless of the number of pips between our entry and our stop. We risk the same account percentage whether we trade a 30 pip level or a 100 pip level, by adjusting (position-sizing) the amount we trade depending on the number of pips required by the setup. This is even more important for the "Set & Forget" trades in order to monitor our performance accurately.

Also, if you don't use position-sizing, then you could win more than 50% of the trades and still lose money. Just imagine that your thicker setups (requiring more pips) happened to lose, while your thinner setups (requiring fewer pips) happened to win. What's the point of winning if you still manage to lose money? With proper position-sizing you could even be negative in pips and still be positive in profit, as long as your win ratio is acceptable. Of course we always aim to be positive both in pips and in profit at the same time. So keep in mind that you will not find ANY true professional who doesn't use some sort of position-sizing, and there is a reason for that.

Now as far as the "Advanced Manual Trading" commentary for this trade is concerned (which is where the trade received its "golden" award), the main reasons for giving this trade a distinction were:

a) Great reward ratio, in this case above 4:1 (despite the thick level), much further than the "Set & Forget" target. Also great in terms of pips with 190 to 280 pips profit (out of 358 that the trade achieved).
b) Accuracy of entry (optimal entry, while price did not even get close to our stop order on the other side of the level)
c) The way the trade unfolded: relatively easy and straight-forward trade, no major complications along the way.

We hope you found this review useful and informative. 
Happy trading,
Enhancer Signals
Periodic Overview of Results (2016-10-24 to 2016-10-30)
Since the last report we had 3 more trades closed (+1 pending). This is the summary of the results.
"Set & Forget" results (when using the exact entry/stop/target as provided):
Targets Hit: 3 out of 3
Stops Hit: 0
(+1 pending)

"Advanced Manual Trading" results for the same trades (estimate, only when using manual entry/stop/target):
Gold grade: 1
Silver grade: 2
Fail: 0

We identified all these Supply/Demand imbalance levels much in advance (days or even weeks earlier). Then we placed our orders when price returned near the imbalance level and we got our professional-grade trades. All our trade entries had something in common: we either bought above a Demand level or we sold below a Supply level. This allows us to obtain low-risk entries and to achieve an above average win-ratio.

All "Set & Forget" trade entries are position-sized in order to use the same account percentage (e.g. 2%) per trade, regardless of how many pips are required (between our entry and our stop orders). Since these trades use "easy" reward targets of a fixed 1:1 reward ratio and the same account percentage per trade, we only need an above 51% Win Ratio in order to be profitable. Our average Win-Ratio is significantly higher than that, so using the provided position-sizing calculator to determine trade amounts is always adviced. All professionals use some kind of position-sizing to determine their trade amounts, and there is a reason for that.

We usually have 4 to 7 of these levels triggered per week, sometimes more.

Screenshot EURAUD 1H / signal-2016-04-21-14-35-euraud
"Set & Forget" result: TARGET HIT (1:1 Reward ratio, position-sized as always)

Reaction visible on chart near: 2016-10-26 1AM UTC/GMT+0
NOTE: High precision entry achieved.

"Advanced Manual Trading" results
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 358
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 190 to 280
Overall trade performance: Excellent

Screenshot USDCAD 4H / signal-2016-09-17-11-20-usdcad
"Set & Forget" result: TARGET HIT (1:1 Reward ratio, position-sized as always)

Reaction visible on chart near: 2016-10-24 8PM UTC/GMT+0

"Advanced Manual Trading" results
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 119
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 40 to 60
Overall trade performance: Average

Screenshot AUDUSD 4H / signal-2016-10-20-13-11-audusd
"Set & Forget" result: TARGET HIT (1:1 Reward ratio, position-sized as always)

Reaction visible on chart near: 2016-10-24, 8AM UTC/GMT+0

"Advanced Manual Trading" results
Pips made available (from theoretical best entry): 121
Realistic likely result (gain range in pips): 40 to 80
Overall trade performance: Good

Happy Trading
Enhancer Signals
Signal Performance Overview: OCT 10 to NOV 30

This is an overview of the recent Signal Performance, prepared by aggregating the data from our trade archive. It contains many insights that might otherwise go unnoticed when viewing only the day to day trading results, and it also gives a better overview of the value provided by the Signals over a period of time.

"Set & Forget" results for those using the provided entry/stop/target:
Trades triggered: 37 (Including 10 Break-even)
Actual Results: 27
Targets Hit: 18 out of 27
Stops Hit: 9 out of 27
+10 Break-even

Wins: 66%
Losses: 34%

From the trades that produced a non break-even result (either the target or the stop was hit), 66% were winning trades and 34% were losses. These were all position-sized trades so that the risk per trade was always the same regardless of the number of pips at risk. Additionally, for these "Set & Forget" trades a 1:1 risk/reward ratio was used so that one win and one loss always cancel each other out. This means that our 9 more wins than losses (18 - 9) approximately translates to a 9% total account gain per 1% account risk used in each trade (i.e. a trader using 2% account risk per trade gained a total 18% with these 9 extra wins. This is an approximation as it varies slightly depending on the ordering of the wins/losses).

If you used just a conservative 1% risk per trade for these 27 trades (or 37 including the break-even trades) then you gained approximately $90 for every $1000 in your trading account.

Pips*: 1197 - 539 = 658

* = Measuring performance in pips is only good as a very general indicator of performance, it is NOT a precise measurement. Different pips have different values based on the traded pair and actual trade amounts. Having a positive pip gain is only meaningful when combined with a positive account growth percentage. However, since many traders like to know this value we included it here (pips gained minus pips lost in 27 trades).

10 Break-even trades???
We had 10 trades with a final result of break-even. Is this good or bad? It is up to you to decide but here are the facts:
We move our stop to break-even when a trade has reached about 3/4 towards the target. This means that on top of the 18 wins out of 27 trades, we also had an additional 10 trades that reached at least 75% towards the target before returning to break even. Here is the number of pips that our 10 break-even trades reached before returning to the break-even point, as well as the percentage they reached towards the target of that trade:
+ 39 pips (95% towards target)
+ 48 pips (87% towards target)
+ 67 pips (77% towards target)
+ 90 pips (97% towards target)
+ 78 pips (90% towards target)
+ 67 pips (79% towards target)
+ 45 pips (76% towards target)
+ 66 pips (72% towards target)
+ 75 pips (97% towards target)
+ 90 pips (92% towards target)
Total: + 665 pips (86% towards the target on average)

Half of these trades missed the target by just 2-3 pips, which means they reached more than 90-95% towards their targets. As far as the official performance of these "Set & Forget" signals is concerned these trades were simple break-even trades (not wins, even if some reached +90 pips), however we are very happy that some subscribers took manual profit (full or partial) using these trades. This means they achieved even better performance than the "official" one. Remember, the final goal is to make money, not to mirror the "official" performance with unnecessary precision.

Our trade archive includes all trade details with screenshots for those that want to review the trades in detail.

Nice, keep it going
Trade review - USDCAD (closed 2016-12-14)
In trading it is important not only to learn from our mistakes, but also to know exactly what we did right when we got our big wins. This way we can focus on repeating our success in the future. This review is meant as a reminder of our strategies and trading principles, and it might help explain how an actual recent trade worked.

Details for the USDCAD trade:
Trade entry triggered 11-Dec-2016
"Set & Forget" method target hit: in 2 days. (Standard reward ratio 1:1, always position-sized properly).
"Advanced Manual Trading" method result: 180 to 260 pips (out of 336). Reward ratio:  almost 5:1.

Let's start by looking at the original trade setup screenshot (USDCAD 8H):

The above Demand level was created on October 19, 2016 (it could be seen on the charts for more than 1.5 months), and initiated a move that reached its top on November 14, 2016, almost four weeks later. During this time the Demand level was validated by the price action which met our minimum requirements, so we sent a signal with the trade setup and we placed our pending orders when price started returning back to the level. This allowed us to obtain a low-risk, high-probability trade when price reached the level, and we enjoyed a great trade as a result.
We maintain a large panel containing all such identified levels on different pairs so that we can trade them whenever price returns to those levels. Sometimes price returns back to the level with a day or two, while some other times it can take months. 
This specific trade was special not only for the great reward ratio it achieved (almost 5:1), but also for the simplicity of the move (rising straight for about 300 pips once the trade started running in our favor). Our predefined entry was triggered when the market opened with a novice gap right into a Demand level. We call this gap a novice gap due to being a gap lower after a significant move lower has already occurred during the preceding days, and with an opening exactly at the boundaries of a large Demand level that was visible on the charts for more than a month. Conveniently (but probably not so "accidentally") this Demand level was hit just before the most important USD interest rates announcement of the year, trapping the masses in the wrong direction."

So not only the setup was triggered very close to big announcement, but the market also opened with a gap directly at the boundaries of our Demand level. This trapped the masses in the wrong direction (panic selling into Demand) which ended up badly for them after the announcement as price run 300+ pips in our favor.

But how did this happen? [B]Where there some Buy orders still waiting patiently there to be filled during all this time? Definitely NOT. No one keeps orders in the market for so long. As explained before, what creates the move is NEW institutional orders trading an OLD imbalance level.[/B] The usual "Supply and Demand traders" around the world (from banks, brokers, institutions, large companies etc) can all see and identify an old level of imbalance, and as you guessed, they gladly trade the level when the time comes. The masses are going one way (using indicators and oscillators or whatever else these days), while professional traders go the other way by looking at pure Supply and Demand and taking a high-probability pre-planned trade.
In the above screenshot, the level is a drop-base-rally formation with a strong break-out, suggesting there was a Supply/Demand imbalance within the level (between the grey lines). The large distance to the top confirms this and also gives the level a better placement as seen in the "big picture", i.e. the larger timeframes.
So by this point during our pre-evaluation we have already identified a level which shows signs of Supply/Demand imbalance, and we can see that it also has an acceptable placement within the bigger picture, i.e. it is placed low for a Demand level, or high for a Supply level, as compared to the recent past on higher timeframes. If price is already on the way back to the level we also check for possible opposing levels (in order to confirm that our profit margin is viable). We are now ready to mark this level as valid for a future trade (whenever price returns to the level for the first time). We only trade the first return of price because that's when the Supply/Demand imbalance is at its highest point. If a level has been touched by price before, then it has been used and should be considered invalid (some or all of the imbalance has already been absorbed).

So, lets fast forward to Dec 11, 2016, the day we got our entry (green circle just above the Demand level):
Screenshot USDCAD 8H taken on 2016-12-16 (a few days after our entry). The green circle represents our entry just above the pre-identified Demand level.

Now to the main point, which is exactly the same as in previous trade reviews:
Ok, so we bought above a level that indicates Demand exceeds Supply, in a well-placed area in the big picture. But who did we buy from? Who would be selling above such a Demand level? Only a novice trader would sell right above a level where Demand very likely exceeds Supply, and that's exactly who we bought from. The novice trader(s) selling to us in the green circle (screenshot) were probably selling out of emotion due to the sharp drop, or due to their indicators and oscillators flashing red, or due to any other equally arbitrary tool. In doesn't matter which of the countless tools they were using, it only matters that they couldn't identify a potential Supply/Demand imbalance on their charts. This level was visible on the charts for almost a month and a half before price actually returned back to it, and it required absolutely no special tools to identify! Some of our currently active levels have been created many months ago and price still has not managed to return back to the imbalance level. When it does, we will gladly take the trade, and we will need no indicators or oscillators to do that.

So do these levels work 100% of the time? Of course not, nothing does. But they work with enough consistency for us to make a profit out of Forex and that's what matters.

Even for our basic "Set & Forget" strategy which uses "easy" reward targets (1:1), we only need an above 51% to 55% win ratio in order to make a profit. But that's just the minimum. The higher the win ratio, the better the performance obviously, and our Win-Ratios are significantly higher than that (see our past performance reports). And don't be fooled by the low 1:1 reward ratio. Reward ratios only mean something in combination with a win ratio. For example, not even a 10:1 reward ratio can save you if you only win 1 out of 11 trades. But if you win 6 out 11 trades (i.e. above 50%), then you can make profit even with a 1:1 reward ratio. So these go hand-in-hand, and although high reward ratios are generally considered good, they are only good when combined with an appropriate win ratio, otherwise they are meaningless.

If you need more details about the illusion of reward ratios, we suggest you read the following great Investopedia article: 

But remember this crucial point: we always position-size our trades properly. This means that ALL our trades risk the SAME account percentage regardless of the number of pips between our entry and our stop. We risk the same account percentage whether we trade a 30 pip level or a 100 pip level, by adjusting (position-sizing) the amount we trade depending on the number of pips required by the setup. This is even more important for the "Set & Forget" trades in order to monitor your performance accurately.

Also, if you don't use position-sizing, then you could win more than 50% of the trades and still lose money. Just imagine that your thicker setups (requiring more pips) happened to lose, while your thinner setups (requiring fewer pips) happened to win. What's the point of winning if you still manage to lose money? With proper position-sizing you could even be negative in pips and still be positive in profit, as long as your win ratio is acceptable. Of course we always aim to be positive both in pips and in profit at the same time. So keep in mind that you will not find ANY true professional who doesn't use some sort of position-sizing, and there is a reason for that.

Now as far as the "Advanced Manual Trading" commentary for this trade is concerned, the main reasons for giving this trade a distinction were:

a) Great reward ratio, in this case almost 5:1, much further than the simple "Set & Forget" target.
b) The way the trade unfolded: relatively easy and straight-forward trade, no major complications along the way, although a bit slow start.
The novice gap and the news announcement were a great help to make this happen.

We hope you found this review useful and informative. 
Happy trading,