Scotland's Sturgeon fires up the heat by threatening to veto Brexit


Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says her parliament could block the UK's vote to Leave 26 June 2016

Sturgeon has just been speaking on BBC TV where she said  "of course" she would ask MSPs to refuse to give there "legislative consent". Her Scottish Nationalist Party has 63 of the 129 Holyrood (Scottish parliament) seats and Scotland voted firmly on the side of Remain.

 "The issue you are talking about is would there have to be a legislative consent motion or motions for the legislation that extricates the UK from the European Union?

"Looking at it from a logical perspective, I find it hard to believe that there wouldn't be that requirement - I suspect that the UK government will take a very different view on that and we'll have to see where that discussion ends up."

"If the Scottish Parliament was judging this on the basis of what's right for Scotland then the option of saying look we're not to vote for something that's against Scotland's interest, of course that's got to be on the table."

Earlier today Sturgeon said that she and her colleagues would begin talking to Brussels officials next week about Scotland remaining in the EU. On Friday I reported here that the Scottish leader confirmed a second Scottish independence referendum was highly likely.In September 2014 Scotland voted to stay part of the UK.

I'm no constitutional expert but I'm sure those that are will be busy pouring through the small print to see whether in fact the Holyrood veto is as key as it appears.

Market wise it will only add to the belief of those who think that actual Brexit may yet still fail to happen. This may help to temper some of the exodus of GBP flying out the door while investors/traders wait on further developments/ratification.
