Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 187

and its not even April Fools day

this old nag seems to getting worse, limping along some might say

is it not kinder to just put the old nag down and release V6 they've been working on all along

all the bugs look deliberate, some might say malicious as no company can be this bad

i wonder how many MQs employees dare use the new MT4

luckily i don't trade through it, as cant trust MQs or MT4 with my hard earned

If they made V6 then they would have to make all the broker plagins too. And they don't want to make the brokers angry.


I doubt errors are deliberate. It's more simple. Metaquotes is a small enterprise than they found someday a gold chicken for error. And they died of success. Now all is very big for they. Not conspiracy history. Just they don't ready for be #1 forex platform...

I doubt errors are deliberate. It's more simple. Metaquotes is a small enterprise than they found someday a gold chicken for error. And they died of success. Now all is very big for they. Not conspiracy history. Just they don't ready for be #1 forex platform...

Not a matter of intention (the bugs). But a matter of choice. They have chosen that it is more important to make all the plugins for brokers work - and they do not care about users at all

What they are doing is much worse than an intention - pure stupidity and greed


Build 710 : I was right - rewriting will be necessary. Among others REASON_CHARTCLOSE has been replaced with REASON_CLOSE. And who knows what else. Nothing new from metatrader - coders write the code again and try yo find what the hell did they change that makes your code incompatible with just a few build older versions again


Pfff, I get crazy with Metatrader.

You make a nice template, let's say yesterday. You open and close MT4 ten times. No problem at all.

The next day, you open the same MT4, closes automatically after it gets stuck.

Then it works, but all the MTF stuff, for instance M5 on M1,is suddenly all M1, even if you set it right and store the template, the next time, same bullshit.

Then you decide to erase all the indicators from its folder, idem dito for all the templates and reinstall only the ones you need.

For now, everything works again.

Then, I want to test some indicators on my 'test' MT4, same story, MT4 collapses ...

I remove all the indicators, experts, templates ...

No use, I try to open it, it keeps on freezing and closing afterwards.

After one hour, I try again and now it works.

Another one of those 'nice' automatice updates I think.

Pfff, very nice if you want to trade ...



Build 710. Waiting for a build 1000 (if I can)

Bah Build 710. Waiting for a build 1000 (if I can)

You can not choose. I tried some old builds and got "old build" message : can not download the data. So , useless to try o use it for anything except compiling

Bah Build 710. Waiting for a build 1000 (if I can)

Judging from the mq site you will get it very soon : the 970 build thread is having a 101% spamming post and nobody there took some time to delete that s...t. So, on Monday they will make a build 1000 (to show how much they are working) :):)

Judging from the mq site you will get it very soon : the 970 build thread is having a 101% spamming post and nobody there took some time to delete that s...t. So, on Monday they will make a build 1000 (to show how much they are working) :):)

They are good at that : giving new build numbers without correcting anything. We will have build 2000 very soon the way they started to change build numbers

Bah Build 710. Waiting for a build 1000 (if I can)

They seem to work overtime. Build 711 on Sunday.