Nonsense thread ...


I have no other name for this so here it is. The sentence that caused me to call this thread the way it is, is a sentence from one article and the sentence goes like this :

The bill permits the federal government to take control of all communications capabilities...

As we are already used, when one is talking about defending our freedom one should ask "what are they talking about". Nonsense. The original article describing the matter is here : Threat of 'Spectacular' Cyber Attack Looms: Security Official - US Business News - CNBC but "reading between the lines" is strongly advised. Just one remark : cutting of some crucial parts of some internal net from external intrusion is a 5 minute job (been there, done jobs like that (intra company net set ups) a lot of times, and there is no simpler thing than that to do) Enjoy the article


not that i agree in the infringement of civil liberties

but spot the difference

no prizes im afraid

Clue - ones Chinese

funny how they look almost identical

(and most likely stolen US blueprints)

so maybe the US have a point - but at what cost

the more all these counties bring in these laws, the more like China we become everyday

and while the Chinese Business model looks more or less sound for now

its not looking that well for the future

maybe the thread should stay ?

as nonsense is never far away.......


So far, in my experience, secrets (the real secrets) were never stolen using the net. The good old "money changes hands" was, is and will stay the method for it and then the men take over in what is later named a "security hole" in a system.

Using the acts of a few (which in the end does not have anything with computer nets) as a "reason" to "monitor" the acts of majority is an act of a paranoid, does not matter if it is an individual, a group or a government. The end will always be that "someone will ask if someone else said something about that someone and then DNA analysis will be ordered as a solution" (a hint : there is no difference between the quoted statement and a women that sees enemies even in her bed (if they share the bed any more) and which has a significant contributions in "bills" like those)

In the end we will have no right to communicate "un-monitored" any more simply because someone, somewhere will think that communication is the worst of all evils ("god forbid the informed slaves")


I think we are already monitored in almost all the countries ... multi monitored (by our home countries and by some industrial countries) laws are coming and coming ...

As to cyber attacks so ... if some laws are existing in Russia and China so it is existing in the US too.

The only difference is that those money (about the article) will be taken from all of us irrespective off our countries and citizenships (because it is the US/dollar). So, it is "multi timeframed" way of the situation.

Let them spy for each other but we will have a freedom inside ourselves anyway.