Ironman (RAS ID: 31578)


My signal uses price action and adapts to market conditions, any questions please ask in this thread. It is not an EA but a combination of automated analysis and human input, hence the name 'Ironman'.

The signal can be found at the link below.

ironman | Rent a Signal

My signal uses price action and adapts to market conditions, any questions please ask in this thread. It is not an EA but a combination of automated analysis and human input, hence the name 'Ironman'.

The signal can be found at the link below.

ironman | Rent a Signal

No offence Leeb but I believe this is your 4th or 5th system that you introduce on RAS.

In a previous system that you released this was what you said:

Hi guys, I have been interested in trading for about 8 years now, after seeing thousands of indicators and systemsI have devised a very unique method and am offering the signals on rentasignal,....

If you continue this way you are going to see many more systems.

I could be wrong but I have a feeling that every new idea that you have you introduce it as the next best system and see what happens ?...

If you are around for 8 years now you should know that when you make a system do the nescessary research and investigation. Backtest it on reliable data. Make sure that you have an out of sample data that is a lot bigger then the data you optimize on and if you then open a topic here, and especially that you have 8 years of experience, post also your backtest results over many years of data.

You can say that other people don't do that but most of the authors of RAS-systems don't have 8 years of experience.

So use your 8 years experience in a professional way because you have many years advantage on the overal majority of the system devellopers here on RAS.

This way you will not need to introduce every month a new system and drop your previous systems.

RAS is not a testing labaratory. But it is a place where you can show your professionality.

I only say this to help you so you could build up some credibility. The way you behave now you are losing it.

Friendly regards....iGoR


Hi Igor - well anyone involved in FX knows success doesn't come easily I have also had to learn the details of RAS thus tested many systems - you will see how a few of them are very profitable in the long term now I have learnt more about this, thanks for your input and I only have about 3 live systems currently anyway and why should I limit subscribers from potentially profitable ideas?

By the way how's your cashDNA doing with the recent volatility?