Clubfx108 - page 6

Hi Spencer36,

Are you using ticket sender in VPS?

>Thank you

No I am not using VPS. If I knew of one that allowed the tick sender I might try it. I seem to be doing just fine just using a Verizon aircard on one of my home pc's(I'd use regular internet vs the aircard, but my regular internet uses 2 ip's and RAS doesn't allow that.


lots size

hello thank you for the service

i want to trade with a 3000 euro account 1:100

0.25----> 0.01

1 -----> 0.04

2 ------>0.08

3 ------->0.12

so i have lot multipilier 0.04 and max lot 0.12

paritcal close true

1st order ??????

oke buy 0.04 lot ..........and close 0.03 lots in 1 sec on broker alpari uk micro

18728985 2010.01.14 02:53 buy 0.01 eurusd 1.45368 1.41860 1.45460 2010.01.14 03:21 1.45460 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63

547114 from #18728981[tp]

18728981 2010.01.14 02:53 buy 0.03 eurusd 1.45368 1.41860 1.45460 2010.01.14 02:54 1.45360 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.17

547114 to #18728985

Partical close set to false?

is this right

what are the settings on the web site and the ea can't figure it out

thank you


JADE FX Invalid Stops STP Broker

at 15:20 & 15:21 GMT on 01/13 CLUBFX submitted 3 orders RAS ID's 548499, 548500, & 548501. All three of these failed on my broker and came back with the error "15:20:52 Rentasignal EURUSDjfx,M30: Alert: OrderSend Error: 130 - invalid stops"

I called Jade FX and they said that this is due to the way the orders are sent. Jade FX is an STP broker, "Straight Through Processing". They said you cannot send an order with a SL & TP all at once. They need to be separate.

My questions are: 1) Does that make sense, 2) Is there a work around, 3) how does anyone use Jade FX if there are no work arounds?, 4) Can this be programmed and fixed.


at 15:20 & 15:21 GMT on 01/13 CLUBFX submitted 3 orders RAS ID's 548499, 548500, & 548501. All three of these failed on my broker and came back with the error "15:20:52 Rentasignal EURUSDjfx,M30: Alert: OrderSend Error: 130 - invalid stops"

I called Jade FX and they said that this is due to the way the orders are sent. Jade FX is an STP broker, "Straight Through Processing". They said you cannot send an order with a SL & TP all at once. They need to be separate.

My questions are: 1) Does that make sense, 2) Is there a work around, 3) how does anyone use Jade FX if there are no work arounds?, 4) Can this be programmed and fixed.



Every ECN Broker with STP need to send TP and SL separated to the market order, so this make sence.

RAS software have this option, all you have to do is to click F7 in your RAS chart, and than set "buyer_stp_broker" to "true".

Try to do this, it may solve your problem.



sorry guys - I have no idea what goes on at the RAS signal receiver's point of view.. You';ll need to check with RAS themselves.

Sorry we cannot be any more help.



STP Broker Cont'd

I am trying this. I will let you know if the STP parameter resolves my problem.



I'm working with CLUBFX108 for a couple of days now. Sofar all trades are made.

But there are 2 things that really worries me:

1 - I still see open trades where RAS tells me that the trade is closed.

Example: 549313 and 549017 on my ActivTrades live account

2 - great difference between results


549313 B EURJPY

open at 131.37 (05:15)

closed at 131.48 (05:32)

Win of 11 pips

My trade:

open at 131.39 (06:16)

closed at 131.15 (08:02)

Lost of 24 pips

Price hits the high of 131.59 during the open trade.

Are these problems caused by RAS or is it the brokers I work with (ActivTrades and GallantFX)?

Like to know because so far most of my ClubFX108 trades were losers.

Take Care,



Hi guys

We are long on EURUSD and still believe the market to go up. The market has gone against us due to fundamental reasons (we are technical-analaytical traders) - on speculation that German Chancellor Angel Merkel is about to resign.

If you have the equity to hold this trade until 1.42ish, then do hold other wise close positions as you deem fit. We are hanging on as we know that medium term the euro shouls rise against the $.

Sorry about this hiccup - but this is a semi - automatic service and you should never allow yourself (or us) to blow your account. We have a 50K equity and will hold this trade until we see a change of trend.

Thanks for understanding - sorry for any inconvenience!


Hi again guys.gals.. the following message was posted on the RAS board under our signal (in reply to someone elses post):

Hi -

Thanks for the compliment. However I dont think you are reading our messages properly. We are trading 1 lots because we have a 50K portfolio! You need to trade 0.1 lot for every $1000 you have on EURUSD - and this can be aggressive at times!

Also for the other pairs, drawdown CAN be high so 0.05 lots was recommended, although we are trading 0.25 lots. We may revise this soon (VERY SOON) and trade 0.5 lots ourselves - and change it so you trade 0.1 lots.

Our system is semi automatic because enteries are created by our EA but we watch the direction of the market. If there is a change in trend, we will ask you to close out your positions - if you are unwilling to hold the risk - although we may keep our positions open (We have a massive account and can handle it).

As said before, the medium trend (according to technical analysis) for EURUSD is up. However, this short term trend which is effected by the recent fundamental news could see euro fall as low as 1.4260 where it makes a double bottom - time will tell.


Thanks for sharing your views on the EU longs.

Would it not be better to take a loss and get in a long postion at a much better price? Your TP is only 10pips yet your risk is huge in comparison. At what stage will you take a loss on this trade - a break of the recent low?

In order to estbalish how much risk is involved in your method, it would be very useful to know the stops you use on average per that way peole can set their lot size accordingly, otherwise everyone is in the dark and then you get drawdowns like on the EU...a 1k account with lot size of 0.1 would be in above 20% drawdown by now which I'm sure you can understand would not be intelligent money management.

You say you see medium tern trend as up, but nearly all your trades are very short term trade out at circa 10-30 pips so it seems strange to be folling the medium term trend (in your opinion) for a a short term trade with timy profit target.

It just makes me nervous seeing drawdowns like you have on EU which Im sure you must appreciate and as we do not know your reasoning for your trades we do not know in advance how ar you are willing to let the drawdown go before exiting and as we dont nknow your typicaly stop size we cannot set our lots size accordingly...I hope that makes sense

All the best