Requests & Ideas - page 579


It is here,dear man.

use this BETTER . 

Thank You for your help. Works perfectly on FX pairs. However, unfortunately it gives the wrong reading on indices. (DAX DOW FTSE). Is it possible to adjust for these?   - Whoops!  Apologies - I was looking from the open but off course its from yesterday's close.  Many thanks for this.


Dear Wulong

first,thanks for your visit and help guide,i learned a lot from you all seniors.

 As for blue,if you let it work in its original slope colors,it will be telling same up/down trend with out orange inverted help,try and see your self,i am sure you already done it and experiment it in a lot of ways. i do not see any logical result by adding/applying inverted here ... or ... may be i am still dull enough to understand things properly.

one possible style can be this,in the given picture,though a single slope color line will be tell same thing.(original-not inverted) ...... so where is use of inverted.


Hey Mntiwana,

I do not use this inverted thingie, it was only an example I made in two minutes to show how it could be used.

I have no room anymore in my complex M1 template for inverted indicators, however, I have noticed that how further the orange line is away from the blue one in my example, the clearer the trend is ...hmm, maybe I should test it more than 2 minutes, ha ha. 


Hey Mntiwana,

I do not use this inverted thingie, it was only an example I made in two minutes to show how it could be used.

I have no room anymore in my complex M1 template for inverted indicators, however, I have noticed that how further the orange line is away from the blue one in my example, the clearer the trend is ...hmm, maybe I should test it more than 2 minutes, ha ha. 

Honey Wulong

 Thanks for early response,i love if you add this of adaptive rsx oma in your huge flagship fleet,it is really a good candidate for filtering some thing...... and orange line parameters are in your hand,you can keep it away/close to,as much you want or how suits



It is here,dear man.

Many thanks, and Greatings
I hope its work now.

could i get this made into a histogram? whereby its green when arrow is up until its arrow down then red and vice versa

kind regards



could i get this made into a histogram? whereby its green when arrow is up until its arrow down then red and vice versa

kind regards


Did you see this one?


Here is a version with the latest set of averages

Thank you so much Mladen 

Since the new MT4 builds alot of my indicators have nothing but issues now. Here is one that I use for Pivot and S/R levels. It gets the typical zero divide error once on the chart as well as not displaying the price value at the Pivot and S/R levels. I have messed around with it to figure it out but just cant do it. Could someone take a look and see if this can be a simple fix please. No errors just 7 warnings.
