RAS moderators announcement, reports and problems - page 71


As I know - the stats are from the beginning of the trading period. I mean: figures on the right side of the signal page - from the beginning.

Balance/image graph is for 3 months only (for technical reason because equity is coming by ticks from Metatrader so it is a lot of data).

To see balance/equity image from the beginning - just post which signal number and I will post here using Signal indicator (I will download all trades from this signal as excel file format and will use this indicator to show the visual stats image from the beginning as equity on open trades and balance and so on).

By the way - some vendors are having this indicator so they can do it also. Only they should ask - this excel file with their trades recorded on RAS database (but they can ask me for example).


Ranking system

Hi ND,

I am not sure this is the right place to ask, so I apologize if not... I have two questions/requests:

1. Ranking system at RAS is a bit strange. It is ranked by the last week pips by default, other criteria (like total pips, number of weeks, ...) have less priority. Is not more logical to build the ranking based on the criteria priority (my suggestion):

a) ROI

b) number of weeks

c) total pips

d) last week pips

If I was selecting the signal I would like to see bigger picture first, so I would like to know if ROI is positive, then how long this system works, and only then what's the results for the past week. I do not care if someone make 1000 in the last 7 days when it was losing two weeks before... The way it's now there are short-lived stars that get to the first page even though the system is not very good.

I think sellers should deserve to be ranked on the first page, so they should be trading longer period of time to get there, not after the first successful week....

2. Would it be possible to add one column to the "Find a Signal" page with "number of weeks" number? This might give the user better idea about how the system is successful in the long run.

Thank you!


a) ROI

b) number of weeks

c) total pips

d) last week pips

It is almost same as you suggested.

I remember this question in live sipport and I asked RAS developers and it is how this ranking is doing (automatically):

1) week pips sign ( positive first)

2) last week equity sign ( if equity value by moment less than 7 days ago then equity sign is -)

3) total pips sign

4) week pips

Most goal to develop it: it should be done automatically.

So, it is automatically.

2. Would it be possible to add one column to the "Find a Signal" page with "number of weeks" number? This might give the user better idea about how the system is successful in the long run.

Yes, I will send email to thim asking to add it.


1) week pips sign ( positive first)

2) last week equity sign ( if equity value by moment less than 7 days ago then equity sign is -)

3) total pips sign

4) week pips

That is what I am trying to say: one good week and you are at top. One bad week and you are on the 8th page, even though in the long run you are very successful...

I have nice results but at times my EA does not take any trades for a couple of days and I automatically get to Xth page, although I have no losses, just not trading.

I do not this this is the right ranking system.


I understand it.

But according to my personal stats in elite section for many years: most of the people are looking for this week results and past week results. Not so many people are interested that some EAs performed very good in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 by forward testing or trading ... they need the results for now and for past week.

I agree with you but it is the reality: we like it or not.

may be ... in the future ... we will improve our tsd calendar for such the feature and in this case long term stretaies will be precented well there.

By the way - I am not author of this ranking.


As the members asked - so the developers made

number of weeks as the column here Find a Signal | Rent a Signal

I mean: how many weeks this signal is traded.

As the members asked - so the developers made

number of weeks as the column here Find a Signal | Rent a Signal

I mean: how many weeks this signal is traded.

Thank you for your replies and for your effort!


RAS ranking

Dear Traders,

RAS improved step by step as I see. Now we can not see the Active and

Pending orders so there is NO FREE commercial signals any more .

The ranking of RAS is not fair enough so far. It'd better if we see the total%/last week% instead of total pips/last week pips.

Vendor A trades 100k account:

He open 100 trades (0.1 lot) and close with 10 pips/trade

so he has 10 pips*100 trades = 1000pips (+1%)

Vendor B trade 1k account:

He 1 trade (0.1 lot) and he closed 100 pips

so he get 100pips*1 trade = 100 pips but his account made 10%.

If the ranking show in pips: Vendor A made 1000 pips and Vendor B made 100 pips only but the if the ranking show gain % Vendor A made 1% only while Vendor B made 10%.

Thought all vendors must reg intital deposit when open commercial signals at RAS.

Welcome any comments!


Thought all vendors must reg intital deposit when open commercial signals at RAS.

Must but ... no one can check their initial deposit.

It may be good if the vendor is tradin with real money with autotrading for example (it will be in the near future I hope). But for demo accounts ... how can we say which deposit he is using? He will say that he is usin 100 dollars deposit so should we believe in that?

It is difficult ...

The only way for now (without autotrading) - compare/combine pips performance with floating drawdown and max lot size just to understand which initial deposit size may be good for subscribers.


Besides, there is Signal Performance Factor so we can know: martinale or not, unlimited hedge or not, 100 simultanious open trades or not.

There is only way to know: stats and SPF.

Otherwise how to know ...

He can tell that he is usin 100 deposit ... but we can not check it because it is personal information ... so ...

Same with systems they are using.

words ... words ... words ...

If we believe in this vendor, if we know him by posts on the forum, if we understand his explanation, if we see his max lot size + his max floating DD + max simultanious open trades so we can calculate our (buyers) minimum deposit size easy.

Besides, SPF ... it is 3 numbers:

- drawdown (DD_Factor),

- max simultanious open trades (Nact_Factor: should prevent to use hedge and martingale signals with huge number of active trades)


- max lot size (max_Nlot: should prevent to use martingale signals with huge lots sizes).

That's all.

So, use max lot size + his max floating DD + max simultanious open trades - to calculate initial lot size. Use lot multiplier on advanced stats to receive correct your max lot size + his max floating DD + max simultanious open trades.

And: SPF - if all 3 factirs are positive so SPF is in positive value. If something negative so negative.

Otherwise how to believe in words?

Just estimate only ...