Closed Trade History EA / Indicator - page 4


You may want to try attached indicator, it select each traded symbol without intervention.

ihistory.mq4  9 kb
Here you go..

- Sizable row spacing, font size.

- fixed formula:

Order profit/loss is given by


not only by


changed head titles, "loss profit" is no profit at all

Great work Enforcer. Glad you were able to improve on the code.

Good idea on the Profit:

OP = OrderProfit()+OrderSwap()+OrderCommission();

Can you use less screen real estate? Can you tighten up the lines or reduce the font or something like that....

This is just not very put together this tool (programming hints from zupcon and ground for you) after your very demanding full time job in the evening between the kids and the wifey...I am so impressed with your time you sleep?


Enforcer took care of this! Nice to still see an interest in the tool.

NO, I don't sleep enough!

some finishing touches...

if the field is blank do not put any values in the columns...actually do not list the row at all...some people may use this tool to keep track of 3 or 4 pairs....this means they can even get more screen real estate....also, is there a way to expand the max capacity to 20 pair?


Hmmm. Could be a pain in the *ss.

Enforcer? You wanna take this one?


The iHistory indicator solved this...

Hmmm. Could be a pain in the *ss. Enforcer? You wanna take this one?
The iHistory indicator solved this...

That is a very cool indicator. Probably more like what you were looking for all along.

Hmmm. Could be a pain in the *ss. Enforcer? You wanna take this one?

Well, I hope the iHistory indicator solve this..


Enforcer, I don't usually just drop comments around, but your iHistory indicator just helped me figure out an account history problem I've been trying to figure out for like 2 days! Thanks!!! You rock!


jason yes you do ☺ your as loose as a goose...


Enforcer, I don't usually just drop comments around, but your iHistory indicator just helped me figure out an account history problem I've been trying to figure out for like 2 days! Thanks!!! You rock!

High and low oscillation in pips of a closed position

Hi all,

is possible to see the high and low oscillation in pips of a closed position in the account history tab of MT4 ?

I think is a lot useful to adjust TP and SL.

Don't understand how is so complicated to found someone who made the same question.

Many thanks
