Worlds best EA creator


Anyone that thinks backtesting and optimization is useless doesn't know much about forex. If you don't understand the past how can you have any chance of forecasting the future?

Anyone that thinks you can buy an EA and stick it on a live account and make money is a lazy, greedy idiot.

Anyone that thinks they can download a free EA and make lots of money are my friends because they are part of the 95% loosing trader group which help me make pips

Anyone that thinks selling an EA is ripping people off needs to rethink, the demographic of people that spend money on EA's are generally people that can't be bothered to think about it themselves and want to make money with doing no work. These LAZY, GREEDY IDIOTS deserve to waste their money

Anyone that thinks EA's are useless compared to live trading obviously don't know the benefits. Robots make cars, because it saves time and money, why would you build them manually, the labour would be too expensive and production time would increase. Not good business.

I think to become a profitable trader you need to have a serious interest in forex, be extremely creative, think outside of the box and have a good understanding of the market.


Anyone up for it?

Thanks for reading my rant

p.s. thanks to all the people on this forum that have something valuable to offer because you are a great inspiration.

p.p.s. thanks to all the lazy greedy traders out there, you enable me to make $$


Before anyone offers something tell us what you can offer us - a successful strategy, programming skills or ...?


Of course i can, i can program pretty much anything in mql4, backtest, optimize etc. I constantly come up with new ideas and strategies. I just want to be able to work with similar thinking people. You understand?


"Anyone that thinks EA's are useless compared to live trading obviously don't know the benefits. Robots make cars, because it saves time and money, why would you build them manually, the labour would be too expensive and production time would increase."

Well, you are right, EA's can be a very good thing, but..

99% of EA's are not profitable (well, yes they are profitable, just one month yes and one month not [or 2 yes and 1 not or 5 not and 3 yes]), but that is not the point.

(P.s. the 1% profitable EA's, are not findable in the forums [free and not]).

What i was saying, it's not the point.

Personally, i like trading, why let a robot do something that you like (me in my example) to do ?

By the way, i'm a good coder as you, let me know if you need something (everything), i really like to create things!


I am just starting out on my journey to program. However I have been on the journey of trading for approximately 1.5 yrs. I just opened my live acct last week and have been trading it since this past Sunday, Feb. 10th 2007. As of rite now, my acct. has went from $950 USD to $1,010 USD trading mini-lots. This is w/ me missing good signals my system has given AND not following my system rules 100% i.e. getting nervous and cutting my winners short. I, however, have not and have never had a problem cutting my losses short.

My system is my own and one of several I've come up w/. My goal is to be a mechanical and consistently profitable trader w/ a basket of strategies on different timeframes. This is the reason for me learning to code because I understand that the odds of buying a consistently profitable e.a. is slim to none, a profitable e.a. to supplement and enhance ones own hard work is a very realistic pursuit IMHO (H = Humble). Better and Wackena are more recent proof of this, not to mention all of those who came before them.

I would very much like to be part of such a think-and-do-tank. While my programming skills are limited at this time, I'm learning Java and the basic of object-oriented programming as we type and where I lack in programming abilities, I gain in hours upon hours exhausted testing of indicators, creating setups, researching timeframes, currency pairs, etc. If this isn't something that the deciding members of this group feel is of benefit and thus not desired, then I understand. However if the opposite is true then I look forward to collaborating w/ all involved and any that come in the future.



There are plenty of programmers but not a lot of good ideas. fx markets are very dynamic and its very hard to hit a moving target at times. Indicators are easy to code, but hard to utililize effectively over a period of time. The market gives a lot of different looks that math can't always handle. If your looking for elite coders, I think your better off trying to determine elite ideas and being a marginal coder --- unless your into some high end self learning eas that are beyond about 99.9% of the population. Also, if you believe backtesting on metatrader is effective, I would say that is not true. Ive back tested a lot of eas and most, if not all, don't survive demo live. To be an effective back test you would likely need every 1 mn move in the market place... metatrader is just not the engine to do the analysis effectively. If your looking for elite coders my advise would be to use some of the stuff out there. --- I access about 1000 eas' and pick through each for Ideas. Whats amazing is that the youll find some of the concepts you come up with won't be in any eas you will find. just my 2cts.

I am just starting out on my journey to program. However I have been on the journey of trading for approximately 1.5 yrs. I just opened my live acct last week and have been trading it since this past Sunday, Feb. 10th 2007. As of rite now, my acct. has went from $950 USD to $1,010 USD trading mini-lots. This is w/ me missing good signals my system has given AND not following my system rules 100% i.e. getting nervous and cutting my winners short. I, however, have not and have never had a problem cutting my losses short.

My system is my own and one of several I've come up w/. My goal is to be a mechanical and consistently profitable trader w/ a basket of strategies on different timeframes. This is the reason for me learning to code because I understand that the odds of buying a consistently profitable e.a. is slim to none, a profitable e.a. to supplement and enhance ones own hard work is a very realistic pursuit IMHO (H = Humble). Better and Wackena are more recent proof of this, not to mention all of those who came before them.

I would very much like to be part of such a think-and-do-tank. While my programming skills are limited at this time, I'm learning Java and the basic of object-oriented programming as we type and where I lack in programming abilities, I gain in hours upon hours exhausted testing of indicators, creating setups, researching timeframes, currency pairs, etc. If this isn't something that the deciding members of this group feel is of benefit and thus not desired, then I understand. However if the opposite is true then I look forward to collaborating w/ all involved and any that come in the future.

your exactly what is needed! nice to know there are people that are thinking the same.

scramble, There are plenty of programmers but not a lot of good ideas. fx markets are very dynamic and its very hard to hit a moving target at times. Indicators are easy to code, but hard to utililize effectively over a period of time. The market gives a lot of different looks that math can't always handle. If your looking for elite coders, I think your better off trying to determine elite ideas and being a marginal coder --- unless your into some high end self learning eas that are beyond about 99.9% of the population. Also, if you believe backtesting on metatrader is effective, I would say that is not true. Ive back tested a lot of eas and most, if not all, don't survive demo live. To be an effective back test you would likely need every 1 mn move in the market place... metatrader is just not the engine to do the analysis effectively. If your looking for elite coders my advise would be to use some of the stuff out there. --- I access about 1000 eas' and pick through each for Ideas. Whats amazing is that the youll find some of the concepts you come up with won't be in any eas you will find. just my 2cts.

Some good points, thanks for your response. I also pick and examine many EAs, indicators and concepts currently out there, trying to identify strong elements from each to form new ideas.

Backtesting isn't totally useless, i'm trying to make an optimizing program that records the last 3 months of signals to continuously optimize it's EA's parameters. Backtesting isn't to there to be proof of a system but it does help giving you direction and more accuracy.


(P.s. the 1% profitable EA's, are not findable in the forums [free and not]).

By the way, i'm a good coder as you, let me know if you need something (everything), i really like to create things!

Yes there not here on the internet, but they are there, i'm finding them!

Glad to hear your creative aswell, be sure you are apart of this.
