Prediction 2008


Hi Traders

Your Opinion about next prediction:

The US Dollar will decline at least another 25 percent against major world currencies including the Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, and Canadian Dollar

Oil will reach $150 a barrel within the first 8 months of the year. This will send the Canadian Dollar to record highs once again

The 2008 Presidential elections will not change the outlook of 2008

(Unless Ron Paul wins).

Trading the Forex market will become main stream as investors will have to look to investing in other currencies if they want to protect their wealth against the falling dollar....


Sounds like a very insightful and possible forecast to me, thanks for sharing your thoughts


Also... funny you should post this cause only the other day decided to get all my trading accounts out of $USD, there are only a few MT4 brokers where you can deposit in other currencies such as Alpari UK but it will be worth it with the coming further dollar decline


Hi Traders

As for the US Dollar we are still heading for further decline.

Lower interest rates means weaker currency

Economy falling into recession means weaker currency

Unresolved war issues in Iraq, Iran and now possibly Pakistan means weaker currency

Federal deficits and money printing mean weaker currency

Uncertainty of potential President means weaker currency....



Hi Traders

As for the US Dollar we are still heading for further decline.

Lower interest rates means weaker currency

Economy falling into recession means weaker currency

Unresolved war issues in Iraq, Iran and now possibly Pakistan means weaker currency

Federal deficits and money printing mean weaker currency

Uncertainty of potential President means weaker currency....

higher oil price means weaker currency for usd .it should lift all majors


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This thread will be more comfortable in this section.

Analytics are more related with predictions.



Your post could sound quite aggressive for a new member to the forum, he is just sharing his views which everyone should be free to do provided it is in the right thread - moreover they are interesting opinions cheers to everyone involved with this forum


Who are you???

You are join this forum 2 days ago

and already giving us a lesson about prediction.

Thank you very much….


He may be a newbie to this forum, but what he's predicting seems right on the money to me.

I'll even add a little of my own.

1: Once (not if) the greenback rises above $1.56/euro, we will experience a further acceleration in devaluation.

2: If (when?) foreign banks decide to stop buying up US debt, all bets are off!

You just cannot owe almost $10 trillion, be content to just pay the interest on it, and continue on spending like everything is normal! This 'mountain' was just a little hill in the 90's, just over $1 trillion, but even then there was no political resolve to tackle the problem - despite the accounts being pretty accurate then predicting that by 2007 the debt would be over $8 trillion (out by about $1 trillion)

In the end, it's not the 'fat-cats' who will suffer, but the normal America tax-payer - the downside of capitalism...


thx very mtc