Matlab and MT4


Dear Experts!

Is there any possibility to call from Matlab a MT4 indicator? For example iSAR(NULL,0,0.02,0.2,0) and get back value. Thanks for any hints!




I don't think so


Of course

Of course, it's possible. The easiest way (imo) is to write a dll which will bridge MT4 and Matlab.

However, you can easily open a non-volatile named object (like a pipe or memory file) in the indicator code and interact with Matlab through it.

PM me if you want details.


There are two articles into mql4 website about this matter.

Interaction between MetaTrader 4 and Matlab via CSV Files - MQL4 Articles

Price Forecasting Using Neural Networks - MQL4 Articles

Also if you want to experiment and avoid the matlab cost (near USD 2000) some FREE alternatives are:

Scilab Home Page

SciPy -



Question about software to show graphs?


I would like to ask what is the recommended software to show graphs from data stored in text files.

I want to be able to change the time base, zoom in zoom out etc.




I would like to ask what is the recommended software to show graphs from data stored in text files.

I want to be able to change the time base, zoom in zoom out etc.




I moved your post here. Please read previous post. There are several software packages.


Do you have any tutorial/doc about the dll to link matlab and metatrader ?


Do you have any tutorial/doc about the dll to link matlab and metatrader ? Thanks

links to different tutorials:


Matlab to Metatrader, some advice needed


Recently I have learnt how to make a fully fledged trading system in matlab that self-adapts,

I won't bother you with the details right now, I just need some advice.

Basicly what I need is to get a data stream going between metatrader and matlab, or at least make a DLL that I can use in an indicator or expert advisor.

My trading system optimizes within matlab, say every 6 hours or so.

I have read, and followed the DDE article on, but it doesn't work for me, strangely enough, it gives no errors, but no data either, all the while with DDE turned on in metatrader, also it only goes one way.

Any advise on other options and approaches are more than welcome!

thanks in advance!


Applied Time Series Analysis

Matlab : Applied Time Series Analysis as downloadable lectures and matlab scripts (forex data is in essence a "classical" time series data so do not be confused with the fact that these do not deal directly with forex data) Applied Time Series Analysis