Backdoor in ExpertAdvisor Script?


Dear all,

I just want to know,.. is it possible if there's any backdoors in Expert Advisor script especially encrypted EA script???

Please let me know...

Dear all,

I just want to know,.. is it possible if there's any backdoors in Expert Advisor script especially encrypted EA script???

Please let me know...

What kind of backdoor are you thinking of?

1. One that does harm to your system? In that case I think it's only possible by calling an external .dll. If you want to be protected from this, simply turn this off or make MT ask you everytime there is a call to an external dll.

2. Or you simply afraid that your EA's in ex4 can be decrypted? If so, yes, compiled ex4 files CAN be decrypted. No matter how long or complex they are. And no, there is no utility that can do this; nor the method is known to wide public. However, I do know only one person who is able to do this so far.


Thanks for your explaination,..

the case is, I just bought expert advisor for any site,

and I just tested is on strategy tester, and I found great trading result,...

you can see here

but i'm worry if it has backdoor, or like remote program. somebody can control our account from somewhere, it possible???

Thanks for your explaination,..

the case is, I just bought expert advisor for any site,

and I just tested is on strategy tester, and I found great trading result,...

you can see here

but i'm worry if it has backdoor, or like remote program. somebody can control our account from somewhere, it possible???

No. AS FAR AS I KNOW, it is not possible. Again, the only threat I see MIGHT be in calling external dlls. But as I mentioned above, you can either turn that off (since not all EAs use external dll calling), or simply (better) make MetaTrader ASK you everytime there is a dll call.


You could save your money for this expert, try to read this thread here on TSD

Thanks for your explaination,..

the case is, I just bought expert advisor for any site,

and I just tested is on strategy tester, and I found great trading result,...

you can see here

but i'm worry if it has backdoor, or like remote program. somebody can control our account from somewhere, it possible???
You could save your money for this expert, try to read this thread here on TSD


Nice one!