Position Trading. - page 20


very interesting thread

dear, all member in this room

allow me to join at this room becouse it is very great thread i am looking for

iam sorry ... my english was not good enough

introduce my self

i have been learning about position trading since 6 months ago, and iam interest to study about Alan Andrews Median Line.

i am very happy becouse i found this thread so i can discuss with other person which using similar approach trading technique

i will share my analisys on GBP/USD and hope you all give your comments

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PAD indicator

any body have PAD indicator?


Pad Indicator

Shahzadfx, Could You Send The Pad Indicator. Thanks


For the trilionth time he is not offering it.

Read the f'ing thread.


pad ind

ı read the thread. ı want this indicator because ı like trading with divergence and that one shows it very interesting. ok!


shahzad is american scammer


huh ?

shahzad is american scammer

i'm curious why you say this.

did he took your money or something?

as far as i know, he's helpful in this forum answering people's questions .

I know he won't give you the PAD indicator. but what's his , it's his, right?

just my 2 cents on the subject,



how's the pips?

For the trilionth time he is not offering it. Read the f'ing thread.

hey jack! it's been a while. how are you man?

how's that pip count this month ?

good i hope,

anyway, just wanted to say hi, since our thread has been dead for the past couple of months....

greetings from the caribbean sea,


hey jack! it's been a while. how are you man?

how's that pip count this month ?

good i hope,

anyway, just wanted to say hi, since our thread has been dead for the past couple of months....

greetings from the caribbean sea,


Pips are ok jan and feb but start of march was sucked due to trying to go short term. Still position trading though but im using box options to protect the positions so it can get complicated hence I dont post much.

How about you?


'07 Trading.

Pips are ok jan and feb but start of march was sucked due to trying to go short term. Still position trading though but im using box options to protect the positions so it can get complicated hence I dont post much. How about you?

Well, i am doing quite well this month.

I do have a bunch of mistakes , also, like you, caused by short term trading.

but finally got one really good trade (actually 2 ), that i've been on for a couple of days. it has covered all this months' mistakes and also made some profit.

( long gbpusd and long gbpchf ....combined 400 pips, still open ).

February was slow, but did ended positive for me.

I still agree with this thread's main topic : if you have a good trade, leave it alone a few days, and it will reward you big time. much better than trying to get in and out of the market a million times.

keep it up my friend,
