10points 3.mq4 - page 225


Structuring the test

Hi David,

As soon as you're list of testers is complete, I think it would useful to assign to each one some settings to test, in order to avoid having 20 persons testing with the same settings, same broker, ... which won't bring anything constructive.

It's necesserary to have at least 5 testers with same settings, 5 with others settings or broker, ect...

that way, we could clearly see which settings are the best and classiffy results according to setting/broker.

It would be interesting also to create a place to store all results with free access to members.

Hope this help


...This is not a fight, I hope you dont angry with me because I dont share the code. I'm not telling people to black box the system. I want people to find a good settings on my EA to make profit. I'll do my best to code a best EA for you guys from your opinion. Cheers ...

I respect your opinion and I also understand the points you are raising.

All the hard-working people on this forum that are trying to run some threads in an orderly way can tell ...

My points can be summarized shortly:

- I would have expected more benefit for the people that are really contributing and not only consuming.

- If this thread stays at a superficial level of discussion because of information hiding, nobody (not even you) really has an advantage compared to actually running a private mailing list. I don't expect any code to be published, but publishing backtest and forward test results only without discussing the ideas behind all the work being done is one way communication where the only thing everybody else is seeing are info teezers.

I only want to point out that a more open attitude may give you more return.


I see the danger that many people consume and don't contribute or even steal the code and sell it on ebay. But that can happen when you hide your code as well.

I decided to publish my indicators and experts in open source to prevent some guys to decompile it and sell it on ebay, nobody buys an open source systen.

The problem that some people are not contributing to the expert is a problem of open forums but it s compensated by the good ideas of some hard working members. I think that s just the price a developer has to pay if he wants many different ideas.

I was just amazed to notice that, of the 800 trades analyzed so far, V12 only got the direction wrong 8 times.

Oops, I misinterpretted the graph ... It's not quite that good. ... But it's still amazing.

I still support David's work.




Barry Dingle Berry

We will take more notice of your ill considered comments after you can provide us with an equivalent EX4 file that will provide the excellent results that have been posted here, After 4 posts you think that you can come here and deride the efforts of those who have spend hours/days trying to help this community resulting in providing an EA with such spectacular results. John

I'll second that !Couldn't have said it better.



We all feel the same


David, Have you sent out the RB26 EA's Yet? ETA? Just checking - didn't want to miss this like I did the V12.

We all feel the same

Ditto that.


"Add Barry Dingle to Your Ignore List"


Goodbye, chump!

Nobody really reads all those 200 pages of discussion - why? Because 90% are pointless and off-topic. I believe most people are like me when reading Forum-Threads: They start with the first page, then the last page, then they read backwards from the last page...

You're absolutely right to the point, because V12 started at page 147. When V12 start? What is the idea behind V12? Its all in the thread. I'm speechless now, may be you can call me a cool blooded mofo that ONLY distribute EX4 for free.

I see the danger that many people consume and don't contribute or even steal the code and sell it on ebay. But that can happen when you hide your code as well.

I decided to publish my indicators and experts in open source to prevent some guys to decompile it and sell it on ebay, nobody buys an open source systen.

The problem that some people are not contributing to the expert is a problem of open forums but it s compensated by the good ideas of some hard working members. I think that s just the price a developer has to pay if he wants many different ideas.

Alex, thanks for the peace of mind, I get what you mean, I can see the reputation level from the green color buttons on the right corner every of your post. The code is currently holding by few of my member, which they have the great coding skill then me. All I need is better idea to code it in. And I'm still delivering what I promised, this is my second recruitment on the new release EA, now seems like I'm an asshole for not releasing the code.

To object against what you're trying to tell me at the above bold statement, I guess I'll be better to become one of the consumer rather than contributor. Because open forum oftenly doing good to all the members, everybody is sitting back and wait for the finalyze version, that is why until today we still dont have any finalyze version. By the way, why nobody is chasing Bluto to give you guys a EX4 to test? Why nobody is chasing Bluto to throw you guys a bone?

Barry Dingle:
Hey cheeseball. Why dont you just shut the fuck up and stop trying to play mr. big shot and just give us the freegin code. Its prolly nothing spectacular anyway. What's the big secret anyway? Some special super secret MACD setting? Pffft. I think you're enjoying the idea of controling everybody arent you?

And yes Barry the fucker, I'm shutting up after this post, and you'll still not getting the freakin code. Hell gate are opened for the people like you awaiting for people to lay the ground and give you the fruit. I'm not enjoy controlling people, organize a team actually more hectic then what I thought. I'm trying to organize a team to work with me. If you're not interested, just sod off. Nobody ask you to look at this thread.

By the way, my crab code increased profit factor instead of increasing risk to achieve reward, if anybody have a FREE martingale EA that works better then mine? Then you dont need my EA anyway. I feel very bad now, seems like I really not needed a new team on RB26DETT. But I belive share the wealth inorder to make myself wealthier, helping other to achieve their trading dream seems happier then trading myself. alassio, I wish you good luck in BiPolar, and I'll take your word.

For the existing team member and few of the potential new member, I'll give you instruction through the email how are we going to move forward if you're still interested. The rest of the member who contribute a lot and helping me and others grow up in this forum, I wish you guys all the best. Stay safe. May god bless you with health, wealth and happiness. Godspeed.



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